雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.hkugac.edu.hk › discover › general-informationUniform | HKUGA College

    The uniform is intended for all students to have a sense of belonging to the school. It is also a means for the public to recognise our students as representatives of the College when they outside of school. Students are required to dress formally on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They will wear their casual uniforms on the other three days of the week.

  2. Where to order HKUGA College School Uniform: We provide Online and Offline platforms for ordering HKUGAC uniforms: . Online Order. Please visit our website - www.uniform-supply.com (effective from 15 July 2021 onwards) to place your order, we offer home delivery and in-store pick up service. In-store purchase.

  3. HKUGA College 港大同學會書院, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong. 2,827 likes · 91 talking about this · 1,267 were here. Strive for Virtue; Quest for Truth.

  4. 港大同學會書院HKUGA College. 辦學宗旨:建設具全球視野的優質學校。 培育學生成為「具視野、富文化、有理想、敢承擔、追求卓越」的新精英。 搜尋關鍵字:港大同學會中學 香港大學同學會書院. 港大同學會書院外觀照片. 學校位置 :南區 › 香港黃竹坑南風道9號。 學校地圖 。 學校類別. 直資、男女校,全年學費約 $41,700. 香港有 60 間直資中學,佔整體約 13%;香港有 394 間男女中學,佔整體約 85%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表 。 全港中學分佈詳述 。 有關學費詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書 。 創校歷史. 2006 年創立,辦學團體:香港大學畢業同學會教育基金. 校訓:明德惟志,格物惟勤 Strive for virtue; Quest for truth。

  5. 學校簡介. 港大同學會書院(HKUGA College) 是位於 香港南區 的一間直資中學,學校面積約 8300平方米,屬於 男女校,該校辦學宗旨是提供以英語為主的全面教育,以關愛鼓勵孕育堅忍、好學、負責,有創意、富感情、具環球視野、願服務社群的學生。 港大同學會書院 孕育能反思、富創見、肯承擔、追求卓越的環球公民。 學校背景. 港大同學會書院 創立於2006年,學校沒有宗教背景,校長是 陳馨女士 (BA, MEd, PGDE) ,校監是 馮可強先生 。 該校校訓是 「明德惟志,格物惟勤」 該校辦學宗旨是「 提供以英語為主的全面教育,以關愛鼓勵孕育堅忍、好學、負責,有創意、富感情、具環球視野、願服務社群的學生。 入學資訊.

  6. School Emblem. The school emblem is an orange star with a blue wave on its leg and is shaped to look like its dancing. According to the school website, the star stands for: [1] Leadership and Inspiration. A child dancing with the delight of learning. A new mode of quality education in the new millennium. Dynamics, energy and creativity.

  7. The uniform is intended for all students to have a sense of belonging to the school. It is also a means for the public to recognise our students as representatives of the College when they outside of school. Students are required to dress formally on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  8. hcuniform.com.hk合眾

    Hop chung uniform Limited 合眾制服有限公司 網上選購校服 更方便 更快捷 簡單註冊, 輸入"購買認證碼" 便可輕鬆網上選購校服及相關產品. 運費 使用速遞到付

  9. to purchase school uniforms. Mon to Fri: 11:00am - 9:00pm / Fri to Sun: 11:00am - 9:30pm Fixed Price. Negotiable Price for Tailor-made orders. For enquiry, please call Tel-2111-9350. * * SUMMER - FORMAL TLAmt TL Amt * * WINTER - Sketch & Style Boy's

  10. School Uniform. 學生儀容. 學生每天須穿著整齊校服回校上課,如當天有體育課或體藝活動,學生須穿著學校運動服裝。 學生應穿著純白色內衣。 學生的校服需保持整潔,指甲常修剪,保持個人整潔衛生。 男學生須短髮。 女學生如頭髮長及肩膊,須用藍色、黑色或橙色髮飾束起所有頭髮,髮飾以簡樸為主。 夏季校服. 恤衫:印有校徽白色短袖恤衫. 裙 / 褲: 男:杏色短褲. 女:杏色裙褲. 襪:純白色短襪 (長度須在腳眼與膝蓋正中間) 鞋:黑色平底皮鞋或全純白色平底運動鞋 (小六畢業禮必須穿著黑色皮鞋) 如天氣寒冷,可加穿以下保暖衣物: 繡有校徽背心毛衣:深藍色、橙色邊毛背心. 或印有校徽長袖風褸:藍色襯橙色長袖風褸. 夏季運動服. 運動衫:印有校徽灰色襯橙色邊短袖運動上衣. 運動褲:深藍色短褲.