雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024.08.26. Application for International and Post-Secondary Qualifications candidates will open on 4 Oct 2024. Submit your application by 21 Nov 2024 for Early Round consideration!

    • 入学申请

      本地生联招JUPAS (英) 内地高考(简中) 专上学历 (英) 访 ...

    • 繁體

      2024/25年入學申請經已截止。. 2025/26年國際資歷考生及專 ...

    • FAQ

      There is no fixed quota between JUPAS and Non-JUPAS ...

    • 本科生

      Home | HKUST Undergraduate Admissions. Information Day ...

  2. 2024/25年入學申請經已截止。. 2025/26年國際資歷考生及專上學歷考生入學申請將於2024年9-10月開始。. 2024/25學年申請人可從下方登入香港科技大學網上入學申請系統。. 參加應屆內地高考的考生必須透過【應屆國家統一高考】欄目報讀香港科技大學。. 請同學報名前 ...

  3. There is no fixed quota between JUPAS and Non-JUPAS students. Offers are made based on the academic standing of applicants. As long as an application presents a good profile, we’ll consider it.

  4. Home | HKUST Undergraduate Admissions. Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions. Join us on 2 Nov. Register Now. Explore our programs. Chat with our students. 2025 Admissions. Learn more. VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOUR. Visit HKUST from the comfort of your home. Explore now. WE SPARK. WE THRIVE. 3. Young University.

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  5. 2021年12月1日 · Non-JUPAS 主要係俾唔符合 JUPAS 最低資格(即係 HKDSE 香港中學文憑考試無考獲33222嘅成績或者冇參加過高考/中學文憑試,而且不符合中六優先取錄計劃資格的人士)而設,又或者 修讀資助或自資嘅學士學位課程嘅人士 以及 修讀非 DSE 考評制度嘅人士

    • Afterschool
  6. JUPAS 由大學聯合招生處代表參與院校管理其提供課程的收生事宜,詳細資料可參考官方網頁 https://www.jupas.edu.hk 。 至於 Non JUPAS 並無官方組織統籌收生事宜,亦無統一的定義,我地會將香港可頒授學位嘅高等教育院校而非經由聯招申請嘅學士課程

  7. 報名連結: https://join.hkust.edu.hk/apply CityU 💬 每科獨立派位報多過一科可以派多過一個 Offer , 你接受新嘅將會取代舊

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