雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2022年4月25日 · myPortal has been decommissioned since 25 April 2022. Please access to either. Student Intranet (https://hkust.edu.hk/stu_intranet) , or. Staff Intranet (https://hkust.edu.hk/intranet) Please also update your bookmark of https://my.ust.hk to any of the above if necessary. Footer.

  2. The application system for 2025/26 Entry International and Post-Secondary Qualifications candidates will open in late Sept / early Oct 2024. Applicants for 2024/25 Entry may scroll down to login to the application portal. Applicants who would take Mainland Gaokao should apply to HKUST through the (MAINLAND GAOKAO) track.

  3. 2024年2月27日 · Student Portal is a modernized platform that provides you with an alternative channel to access important information about your academic journey. It is easy to navigate and provides you with easy access to information such as academic progress, financial updates and event schedules.

  4. SIS is a core package together with some peripheral systems that offers a range of functions, which enables students and relevant staff or faculty members to keep and view academic records, look up and update personal particulars, enroll classes, check class / examination timetable, browse financial information with the University and the ...

  5. Study in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, one of the best universities in Hong Kong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

  6. 合作雙方將於人才培養與教育和研究領域開展戰略合作,共同促進金融科技的發展。. 社區參與及可持續發展. 科大、體院攜手研發 助單車隊提升競爭力. 領袖思維. 面對人工智能:我們該擁抱還是警惕?. 大學公告. COVID-19: Info Portal for HKUST Community (只供英文版本 ...

  7. A web-based modernized platform "Student Portal" has been launched that provides HKUST students with an additional channel to access important information about their academic journey. It is easy to navigate and provides an easy access to information such as academic progress, financial updates and event schedules.

  8. Eng 繁體 简体. 科大躍升13位 躋身全球五十強大學. 科大聯招入學重點 – 聯招分數計算機、預期收生分數、彈性收生安排及其他資訊. 科大榮膺「影響力排名」全球第36位. 大學策略發展計劃 2031. 建立多個阿聯酋合作關係 攜手推動科研、技術轉移及人才培養. 創歷史佳績——港科大36支參賽隊伍在第49屆日內瓦國際發明展上大放異彩! 恭喜156位科大功臣! 攜手實現聯合國可持續發展目標. HKUST at Global Sustainable Development Congress. 10 - 13 June 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand. 點燃創新 激發創業精神. 擁抱多元與包容. 科大新聞. 了解我們怎樣在瞬息萬變的世界中發揮影響力. 獎項及排名.

  9. 日常生活資源. 選擇合適的工具及資源,滿足您的學習需要,並改善身心靈健康. 餐飲設施. 輔導與健康. 認識校園. 迎新活動. 非本地學生指南. 獎學金、助學金和保險. 可持續發展.

  10. The channels for you to manage your studies and communicate with fellow HKUST members.

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