粵菜. 被譽為全港最佳中菜食府之一的海景軒為食客帶來精緻美味的粵式佳餚。 海景軒由經驗豐富的余照軍師傅主理,團隊堅持選用優質材料,配合其精湛廚藝,為食客匠心演繹多款精巧菜式。 海景軒於 2011 年至 2013 年榮獲世界頂級《米芝蓮香港澳門指南》評為一星級的榮譽。 為提昇您的用餐體驗,海景軒現正進行升級工程,並已移師至酒店一樓的瀚林廳,繼續為您帶來正宗的廣東美饌。 餐廳或會因私人活動而不對外開放,請提前訂座或查詢詳情。 今年年底,讓我們一起期待並迎接海景軒的全新面貌。 衣著要求: 餐廳衣著指引為休閒便服, 懇請男士們避免穿著無袖襯衫、短褲或拖鞋; 女士們避免穿著人字拖鞋。 登入網上商店尋找更多獨家優惠. 訂座. 香港九龍尖沙嘴東部麼地道 70 號海景嘉福洲際酒店 1 樓.
Hoi King Heen is recognised as one of Hong Kong’s finest Chinese restaurants specialising in Cantonese cuisine. Championed by Executive Chinese Chef Yu Chiu Kwan, its dedicated culinary team offers a menu that preserves the long-standing traditional craftsmanship deploying quality ingredients with a contemporary twist.
Is Hoi King Heen a good place to eat in Hong Kong?
Where is Hoi King Heen's located?
What to eat at Hoi King Heen?
Does Hoi King Heen have good customer service?
Why has Hoi King Heen been moved to 1/f?
Hoi King Heen Set Dinner Menu 三式小花碟 (鳳城鯪魚卷、鹵水牛腱、蜜梅京燒骨) Hoi King Heen Appetisers Deep-fried crispy roll filled with Grass Carp Fish Marinated Beef Shank with Superior Soy Sauce Deep-fried Pork Spare Ribs with Honey Plum Sauce
海景軒 Hoi King Heen的餐廳地址、網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀麼地道70號海景嘉福酒店B2層。. 主要菜式包括 瑤柱有機糙米雞, 楊枝甘露, 水晶牛肋肉, 欖菜玉珠, 鴛鴦糯米飯, 蜜梅京燒骨, 蛋白杏仁露, 狀元茶粿, 龍皇白玉卷, 鮮竹時蔬卷 ...
- (311)
- 麼地道70號海景嘉福酒店B2層
Hoi King Heen inside the InterContinental hotel offers some of the finest Cantonese dishes in an elegant and sophisticated setting. On the weekends, the restaurant serves a variety of dim sum including, BBQ pork buns, shrimp dumplings and spring rolls.
- (311)
- Guangdong
- B2, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong, 70 Mody Road
菜單. Hoi King Heen 海景軒 24小時線上訂位,選擇時間、人數,立即訂位不用等! 還可以線上查詢營業時間、看菜單! Hoi King Heen 海景軒 位於,為類型餐廳。
海景軒Hoi King Heen's Menu, located at B2, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong, 70 Mody Road Tsim Sha Tsui.