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  1. www.otandp.com › medicines-in-hong-kong › holoponHolopon

    2024年7月4日 · The generic name for Holopon is hyoscine methylbromide, and it is currently the only brand name of the drug being sold. Usage. What is Holopon used for? Holopon is used to alleviate symptoms associated with: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Urinary incontinence. Spasmodic dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramps). Gastrointestinal cramping.

  2. www.healthymatters.com.hk › medicines › holopon-in-hong-kongHolopon - Healthy Matters

    Holopon is a brand medication that contains Hyoscine Methobromide, which belongs to a class of medications called anticholinergics. It differs from Hyoscine Butylbromide, under the brand name of Buscopan, which is used for stomach spasm.

  3. www.otandp.com › zh-hk › medicines-in-hong-kong止嘔藥(Holopon)

    嘔藥Holopon是什麼?. Holopon是一種用於治療腸痙攣、嘔吐和各種胃腸道疾病的藥物,是常見的解痙藥和止嘔藥。. 配方及成分組合. 止嘔藥Holopon的活性成分為丁基東莨菪鹼(Hyoscine Methylbromide / Scopolamine Butylbromide/Methoscopolamine Bromide) 。. 透過放鬆胃、腸和膀胱的 ...

  4. It is manufactured from hyoscine - also known as scopolamine - which occurs naturally in a variety of plants in the nightshade family, Solanaceae, [18] including deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna). [19] It is available in the United States only for the medical treatment of horses. [2]

  5. 消化性潰瘍的治療. 治療消化性潰瘍的藥物作用是要舒緩胃部不適的徵狀,降低胃內的酸性及胃蛋白酶的活性和增強胃黏膜的防禦能力,並藉此促進潰瘍癒合,防止胃腸潰瘍復發或嚴重併發症的出現。. 藥物可分為 (一) 抗酸劑 (二) 胃酸抑制劑 (三) 黏膜保護劑 (四 ...

  6. HOLOPON TABLETS的成分、用法用量及副作用,請點擊觀看仿單說明書,劑型:錠劑,適應症:潰瘍性大腸炎、急性胰腺炎、膽囊炎、膽管炎、神經性胃疾患、消化系統痙攣症.

  7. 第一組使用含七種中草藥湯劑和腸蠕動抑制劑安慰劑(Placebo Holopon);第二組服用腸蠕動抑制劑(Holopon) 和中草藥安慰劑;第三組則使用中草藥安慰劑和腸蠕動抑制劑安慰劑。

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