雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Home - Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS. Our Innovative Culture Video. Read More. Fund Raising Activities. More. Walkathon 2024 (Finished) Donation Methods By cheque, please state: 「Hong Kong Lutheran S...

  2. 香港路德會社會服務處2024「愛祝福 路同行」慈善籌款開始啦!💞💞 即日起至8月31日都可以支持我哋!善款用於支持本處各項社會服務事工...

  3. Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS. Objectives. To reflect Christian attitude of social justice through appropriate action. To provide versatile facilities and services for people with different needs. To provide 'pioneer' or 'experimental' services for the neglected in drastically changing society.

  4. 香港路德會社會服務處 成立於一九七七年,本著上帝愛世人之心,為社會人士之需要而服務,基本信念是實質的服務行動。. 早於一九七七年之前,香港路德會 (原名福音道路德會,成立於一九四九年)已以服務社會為目標。. 於一九六八年,在社會福利委員會 ...

  5. service.elchk.org.hk › engELCSS-HK

    基督教香港信義會社會服務部自1976年成立,是香港大型的綜合性社會服務機構,以創新的方式、關愛及以人為本的精神為基層及弱勢社群提供多元化的服務。. 本機構現時共有超過50個服務單位及50個特別計劃,服務範圍遍佈全港,由幼兒到長者,從家庭、學校 ...

  6. In composition of five government-subvented Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (NEC) and two Self-financing Elderly Centre, the Elderly Centre Division aims at providing holistic elderly services for elders aged 60 or above (aged 55 for the two Self-financing Elderly Centres), carers and the community at large.

  7. 香港路德會社會服務處 HKLSS, Hong Kong. 2,534 likes · 8 talking about this · 87 were here. 香港路德會社會服務處 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS

  8. 地 址 : 香 港 九 龍 又 一 村 海 棠 路 6 8 號. 電 話 : 2397 3721. 傳 真 : 2397 4826. 電 郵 : hksynod@lutheran.org.hk.

  9. Evangelical Lutheran Church Social ServiceHong Kong (ELCSS-HK), one of the largest NGOs in Hong Kong, was established in 1976. With an innovative, caring and people-oriented approach, we provide integrated services to the grassroots and the disadvantaged. Currently we have more than 50 service units and 30 special projects across the ...

  10. 基督教香港信義會社會服務部 - Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong. 「持信如一 」,寓意喺幻變嘅社會中,我地竭力持守耶穌基督傳揚福音同埋服務人群嘅信念,初心如一。. 同時,亦象徵我哋透過跨服務同埋跨專業嘅結連,合一咁回應社會同埋弱勢社 ...

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