What are the highest-grossing films in Hong Kong?
How do the Hong Kong box office rankings for Chinese movies work?
What does the box office gross account for?
How do I find a list of films released in a year?
The following is a list of the highest-grossing films in Hong Kong. It only accounts for the films' theatrical box-office earning and not their ancillary revenues (i.e. home video rental and sales and television broadcast).
RankTitleGrossYear1HK$222,492,64220192HK$178,029,440 [1]20093HK$160,746,01220184HK$138,980,9262022Hong Kong Yearly Box Office. Overview. Calendar grosses. Data as of Nov 1, 1:58 PDT. Year. Total Gross. %± LY. Releases. Average.
2023年3月舉辦的第27屆影視展就吸引了702家來自30個國家及地區的公司參展,及超過7,300名來自41個國家及地區的買家於4日展期內到場參與盛事。 下屆影視展將於2024年3月11-14日舉行,將繼續為業界提供一站式交易及資訊平台,促進跨媒體融合,於影視展期間,還有多元化的交流活動及研討會舉行,讓業界進行宣傳活動,以及與其他同業建立人際網絡、交流市場訊息。
Hong Kong Box Office For 2021. 2021. Calendar grosses. Rank. Release. Gross. Theaters. Total Gross.
Hong Kong Yearly Box Office. Overview. In-year releases. Data as of Oct 29, 2:18 PDT. Year. Total Gross. %± LY. Releases. Average.
The table below lists a yearly breakdown of information about movies produced by production companies based in Hong Kong. The Share is a percentage based on total worldwide box office of the movies produced by production companies in this country relative