雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 緊急救護服務. 提供24小時,免費救護車服務. 為特殊需要人士提供免費牙科服務. 由義務牙醫輪流當值,為特殊需要人士提供免費牙科服務. 義工服務. 提供各種類義務工作崗位服務社會. 活動及資訊.

  2. What We Do. First aid training. Equipping thousands of people with the skills to save a life. First aid at events. Providing qualified first aiders at public events. Emergency response. Supporting the emergency services. Dental service for the persons with special needs. Providing free dental service to persons with special needs.

  3. 香港聖約翰救護機構 (英語: Hong Kong St. John Ambulance ),是 聖約翰救護機構 設於 香港 的支部,始於1884年,依據 香港法例 第1164章運作,致力於不分 種族 、 階級 、 宗教 、政治立場,竭誠為 人類 服務。. 機構設有: 香港聖約翰救傷會 (英語: Hong ...

  4. Hong Kong St. John Ambulance is a charitable organization with a long history stretching back over a century and has been serving the community since 1884. In Hong Kong, the St. John Ambulance Association was established in 1884, followed by the Ambulance Brigade in 1916 and the Council in 1949.

  5. Course List. Courses and centralized examinations for the public are usually held at the Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Headquarters at St. John Tower, 2 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong. The Association also arranges courses to be conducted at premises of commercial firms, voluntary organizations and schools upon request.

  6. 香港聖約翰救護機構 (英語: Hong Kong St. John Ambulance ),是 聖約翰救護機構 設於 香港 的支部,始於1884年,依據 香港法例 第1164章運作,致力於不分 種族 、 階級 、 宗教 、政治立場,竭誠為 人類 服務。. 機構設有: 香港聖約翰救傷會 (英語: Hong Kong St. John ...

  7. A St John Ambulance is in service in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the St. John Ambulance Association was established in 1884, followed by the Ambulance Brigade in 1916, the Council in 1949 and the Priory in 2015.