hong kong stadium seat plan 相關
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位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務.
Kwai Tsing Theatre. All seat plans in this website are created by Chinese Acrobat 4.0 (PDF format). Please download the latest version of the Acrobat Reader (Traditional Chinese) if forms cannot be read.
How many seats does Hong Kong Stadium have?
Will redevelopment of Hong Kong Stadium reduce seating capacity?
How many seats does the Hong Kong Coliseum have?
Will Hong Kong's biggest sports stadium be converted into a public stadium?
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What is Hong Kong Stadium?
The seating plans are for reference to hirers of Hong Kong Coliseum only. Patrons may check the seating arrangement of individual event by visiting http://www.urbtix.hk . Others
Hong Kong Stadium is the main sports venue of Hong Kong. Redeveloped from the original Government Stadium, it reopened as Hong Kong Stadium in March 1994. It has a maximum seating capacity of 40,000, including 18,260 at the main level, 3,173 at executive level, 18,510 upper-level seats and 57 seats for wheelchair users.
The coliseum has 12,500 seats, which is the second largest among indoor facilities in Hong Kong, only behind the 2005-opened AsiaWorld–Arena. It is now managed by the Leisure and Cultural Service Department of the Hong Kong Government .
香港大球場(英語: Hong Kong Stadium;香港市民俗稱為「埔頭」或者簡稱為「大球場」,亦因為2013年巴克萊亞洲錦標賽的草地質素問題,而被謔稱為「香港大農場」),前身為政府大球場(英語: Government Stadium ),是香港規模最大的運動場館之一
香港體育館的設施主要由大型多用途室內表演場館及多個活動室所組成。 共有3間活動室及一間貴賓室設於體育館大樓,可用作舉行酒會、記者招待會等節目相關活動;體育館則設有8個化妝間及4個更衣室。 多用途室內表演場館. [編輯] 多用途室內表演場館是綜合表演及體育賽事場地,設有12,500個座位,另有貴賓室。 表演場可依照主辦者要求,裝置成中央(四面台),正面或閘角位(三面台)等編排,以進行不同類型活動。 表演場的混凝土地面亦可依照要求而鋪上木地板或膠地蓆,以進行如 五人足球 、 籃球 或 排球 比賽等活動,亦可搭建舞台,供演唱會等文化活動使用。 地面. [編輯] 場館是一個邊長43公尺的 混凝土 地面。