按“Tab”進入菜單 泳灘 簡介 泳灘救生員當值時間表 泳灘資料 泳池 簡介 公眾游泳池資料 開放時間表 每周大清潔時間表 公眾游泳池暫停開放公告 入場費 公眾游泳池月票計劃 公眾游泳池實時入場人數 游泳人士注意 享用泳灘和游泳池設施時注意事項 游泳人士手冊 一般水上安全守則
1 Hing Fat Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Location. Phone No. 2570 8347. Facilities. Indoor facilities: ^*Main pool (Length 50m x Width 25m, Depth: 1.2m-2m) ^*Multi-purpose pool (Length 33m x Width 25m, Depth: 1.2m) Spectator stand (2,500 seats), Electronic scoreboard, Family changing room, Babycare room.
Information of temporary closure notice of public swimming pools is for today and the next 29 days. Note 2. For the latest information on public swimming pools (such as temporary closure of the whole swimming pool complex due to emergencies), please visit our webpage on Press Releases. Note 3.
2024年1月10日 · 香港現時共有44個公共游泳池,包括室內外公眾泳池,遍佈全港18區。 康文署在冬季期間甚至會在部分游泳池提供暖水游泳設施,即睇公共游泳池地址、收費、開放時間及月票詳情。 公眾游泳池收費. 康文署公眾游泳池收費劃一,而符合資格獲得優惠收費人士有機會需要在入場前出示有效的身份證明文件(例如殘疾人士登記證、附有學生照片的全日制學生證/手冊、香港身份證),以核實其身份。 以下為公眾游泳池所收費詳情 2: 公眾游泳池月票費用. 公眾游泳池的月票計劃一般費用為300港元;年滿60歲 長者 、 殘疾人士 及其一名陪同者、3至13歲兒童和全日制學生可獲半價優惠,只需150港元便可購買月票,購買起計一個月內可無限次使用。
Hong Kong is small but full of easily accessible public swimming pools that suit seasoned swimmers and beginners alike. While we can’t say no to a beach day or a luxurious hotel pool, public swimming pools offer the perfect respite for a quick workout at a minimal cost – minus the waves and saltiness!
There are 44 public swimming pools in Hong Kong; 9 in Hong Kong Island, 13 in Kowloon, and 22 in the New Territories. LCSD manages public swimming pools according to Law of Hong Kong Chapter 132 sections 42 to 45.
The 10 best public swimming pools in Hong Kong. Escape the city heat at these top-rated public pools. Sunday 11 August 2024. Edited by Jenny Leung. Deputy Editor. Written by: Cherry...