2016年12月9日 · 用法解釋. 「How have you been?」的意涵與「How are you?」有些類似,但是只能對「已經認識,但有一段時間 (超過一周)沒見面的朋友」說。 意思是:「從我們上次見面到這次見面的這段時間裡,你過得怎麼樣呢? 2. 如何回答「How have you been?」 Q: It has been a while since I met you. How have you been? 較簡短的答案為:Good. / Great! / Not bad. 較長的答案可用:I have been Ving. e.g. I have been working a lot. 我最近都在工作。 e.g. I have been studying English a lot.
2024年10月7日 · “How have you been?” is asked as a casual conversation starter. This question is usually asked when you haven’t seen the person in a while. Since it’s just a conversation starter, the other person won’t always be expecting a genuine answer. Therefore, it’s normal to just reply with a simple “Good” or “Not bad.”
“How have you been?” (詢問近況較長的時間段) 這些問候語都能表達你對對方近況的關心,可以根據不同的情境和對象選擇合適的語句。 如果對方回答 “I’m fine.”,我該怎麼接話?
2015年9月9日 · 小時候我們學英文,絕對已經被訓練到聽到別人問 “How are you?",就會反射性的回答 “I am fine, thank you. 人際相處是人生中很重要的一課,而打招呼更是一門學問。
・① I've been doing well. ・② I've been busy. 在像回答「我很好」這樣的句子中,我認為①是最普遍的。 另外,這句話無論是朋友還是上級都可以用。 在表達「我很忙」的時候,②是經常被拿來使用的表達方式。 這個表達方式與①一樣任何人都可以使用。
“How Are You?”是我们在学英语时最早会说的句子之一,”How Are You?”也是你的海外客户在即时聊天工具,视频会议,展会的时候可能会经常问你这个问题。 跟”How Are You?”非常相似的另外一个问题”How have you been?”在英语母语者中间也经常被使用。 本文将告诉你如何在不同的场景下回答这两个问题才是最合适的。 01. 关于How are you?的回复. 1 当How are you?只是另一种打招呼的方式时,你可以这样回答. 大多数时候,英语母语者把这个问题作为一种礼貌的问候方式,所以你其实并不需要说你的真实感受,只用说一两句积极的话,感谢他们的询问,然后问对方同样的问题就可以了。 下面这几个回答几乎可以在所有场景都可以使用:
You’ve probably heard someone saying, “How have you been?” to you or someone else. It is a very common phrase that is used daily by English speakers. In this article, you’ll learn what it means, when to use it, and how to reply to “How have you been?” in different situations.
一、how开头的询问 1. How have you been? 2. How is it going? 3. How are you doing? 4. How are things going? 5. How are you getting on ? 二、what 开头的询问 What's going on with you ? What&#…
- courses.gonaturalenglish.com
- English Grammar
How have you been? “How have you been?” is a common question from native English speakers. It’s asking what you have been up to and how life has been for you from from a certain point in time. Perhaps you’re being asked how you’ve been doing since the
- courses.gonaturalenglish.com
- Go Natural English Blog
“How have you been?” is the present perfect tense. It means that I want to know what you’ve been doing since I saw you the last time. I know you, but I haven’t seen you for a while. Here’s an example. Maybe you have a friend who has been sick for two weeks, and you haven’t seen him.