雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 每員工用戶每月只需 HK$15 SaaS 雲端 HRMS 系統, 提供完整的人力資源和薪酬管理方案, 包括出勤打卡 APP、考勤、請假、索償、薪資和指紋/人臉識別管理系統等.

  2. Info-Tech 是一家基於雲架構的 HRMS 系統供應商, 提供多個 HR 應用程序, 例如考勤、薪資、休假、費用報銷、績效評估和項目成本核算管理系統。兼容手機移動應用程序, 可在 Android 和 iOS 上使用 - 允許用戶隨時隨地管理 HR 事務!. 我如何信任 Info-Tech 處理我的數據 ...

  3. Info-Tech is a cloud-based HRMS software provider that offers numerous HR applications such as Payroll Leave Expense Claims and Project Costing Software. It also comes with a mobile application, available on both Android and iOS devices - allowing users to manage HR matters on the go!

  4. Hong Kong's best and user friendly Human Resource Management Software. Managing payrolls, attendance, leave, claims, appraisals are simplified with the HR software.

  5. Find Us. System Maintenance Notice: System will be under maintenance from 16/11/24 (Sat) 10:30 PM to 17/11/24 (Sun) 12:30 AM. Kindly plan ahead your activities.

  6. 2024年2月22日 · HRIS systems traditionally done HR processes. It includes talent management, HR service delivery, employee engagement, and strategic HR. Talent acquisition or management deals with sourcing to hiring talents that lead to the applicant tracking systems in an organization.

  7. 2024年5月16日 · To learn why you need to invest in the right HRMS system, enabling you to switch your HR system to the new HRMS. What should you consider before the transition of two HRMS? You must focus on various areas before integrating other HR software and replacing the old one.

  8. 2024年8月5日 · Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Offers to bring every HR solution under a single system, also provides a cost-effective way for business to enhance the people process in front of the board. It could include employee record keeping, onboarding, performance management, payroll, training and development, and compliance and ...

  9. Our Payroll and HR Software supports necessary payroll features such as pay slips access, Income tax submissions, reports retrievals etc, as well as HR management features such as leave details, staff matters etc. It also includes tools to adjust settings to cater to your needs.

  10. 人力資源系統幫助管理員工的考勤,糧單,休假,薪資報銷, 人力資源福利和評核。. Infotech人力資源系統,介面簡單易用,員工可以查看自己的糧單 ,申請休假,報銷與更新他們的個人資料.