雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. 香港滙豐流動理財應用程式. 毋須再在電話上等待,前往「支援」頁面,點擊「線上對話」 1 直接與我們對話,就像發訊息給朋友一樣簡單。 滙豐卓越理財尊尚和卓越理財客戶可以透過「支援」頁面的「聯絡滙豐卓越理財尊尚」或「聯絡滙豐卓越理財」,與客戶經理及團隊對話。 立即下載香港滙豐流動理財應用程式. 滙豐網站及網上理財. 只需點按「線上對話」按鈕,即可向我們發送訊息與我們對話。 請瀏覽以下常見問題或與我們聯絡。 網上理財 | 轉賬及繳款 | 流動保安編碼 | 信用卡. 其它常見問題. 其他協助方式. 無論您想查詢我們的銀行服務,還是想了解更多資料,歡迎您隨時聯絡我們,我們將竭力為您提供協助。

  2. www.hsbc.com.hk › help › contactContact us - HSBC HK

    Find out how to chat, call, email or visit us for your banking needs. Get instant help, feedback, complaints or appointments with HSBC HK.

  3. 查找滙豐銀行在香港的分行位置和服務時間,包括九龍和香港島的各區域。網頁提供分行的地址、電話號碼、開放時間和特色服務,如適合輪椅人士使用的櫃枱/會客室等。

  4. 電郵: commercialbanking@hsbc.com.hk 熱線: (852) 2748 8288為確保服務質素談話內容可能會被錄音」

  5. We can do this by email, over the phone or even by post. However, we want to make sure you only hear from us in a way that suits you. So please tell us what's best for you by using online banking , giving us a call or visiting your local branch .

  6. Mail: HSBC Customer Relations, G.P.O. Box No. 64, Hong Kong. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as possible and aim to resolve most issues within twenty working days. Occasionally, we may need more time but we will keep you informed.

  7. And this page also contains a range of useful links and email addresses that will allow you to find an answer to your query quickly. How can I contact HSBC on social media? HSBC is active on social media in more than 20 countries and territories.

  8. 您可透過HSBC HK App,隨時隨地更新您的手提電話號碼和電郵地址,以確保您的銀行服務不受干擾,並讓我們與您保持聯繫。 保障您的財富—在進行高風險交易時接收雙重通知

  9. Find out how to chat, call, write or visit your nearest Wealth Center for HSBC products and services. Get answers to common questions, feedback and complaints, or find your mortgage office.

  10. Find the phone numbers and opening hours of HSBC HK hotlines for different products and services. For general banking, HSBC Premier Elite, HSBC Premier, HSBC One and other customers, the hotlines are open 24 hours, except for some exceptions.

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