雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. To provide you an overview of HSBC Life (International) Limited (the "Company")'s dividend declaration history, the following shows the fulfillment ratio for each of the Company’s participating products which have new policies issued since 2010 and still have in-force policies in the reporting year.

    • 繁體

      何謂年度紅利之分紅實現率?. 年度紅利之分紅實現率旨在顯 ...

    • 简体

      以上显示的保险计划由HSBC Life (International) Limited ...

    • Endowment

      The products shown above are underwritten by HSBC Life ...

    • Whole Life

      Some of the above fulfillment ratio or Total payout ...

    • Annuity

      The products shown above are underwritten by HSBC Life ...

    • Total Payout Ratio

      If you have an HSBC Life policy, you can review the ...

  2. Some of the above fulfillment ratio or Total payout ratio are shown as "N/A" because: There are no relevant in-force policies in the respective policy year for some products; or The dividend amount / special bonus amount / illustrated amount at point of sale is zero and hence fulfillment ratio or total payout ratio is undetermined; or

  3. 何謂年度紅利之分紅實現率?. 年度紅利之分紅實現率旨在顯示,該保單年度所有相關生效分紅保單之實際累積年度紅利及利息金額(不包括特別獎賞,如適用),有多大程度符合、低於或高於銷售時之參考金額。. 就每種相關產品及貨幣而言,於保單年度所有 ...

  4. 坊間代理不時宣傳分紅儲蓄保險回報率高,但實際上有關回報率是預期回報,由保證及非保證回報組成,要衡量非保證回報就要靠保險公司公佈的「紅利實現率」(Fulfillment Ratio)。. 究竟紅利實現率如何計算?.

  5. 5 min. When your participating policy matures, will the non-guaranteed benefits you have received be the same as what the insurance proposal has projected? Learn how to calculate fulfillment ratios, and it’ll be easy to find out! Special offers.

  6. 滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(「滙豐保險」), 獲香港特別行政區保監局授權及受其監管,於香港特別行政區經營長期保險業務。 滙豐保險是於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司,亦是滙豐集團旗下從事承保業務的附屬公司之一。 滙豐保險提供的保險產品只擬在香港特別行政區透過滙豐銷售。 您須承受滙豐保險的信貸風險,就有關滙豐與您於銷售過程或處理有關交易時引起的金錢糾紛,滙豐將與您把個案提交至金融糾紛調解計劃;然而,有關產品合同條款的任何糾紛,應直接由滙豐保險與您共同解決。 有關滙豐保險的產品詳情及資料,請瀏覽滙豐網站的保險專頁,或親臨分行了解詳情。 本片所載之資料更新至2023年5月由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(註冊成立於百慕達之有限公司)刊發.

  7. fulfillment ratios): In Scenario 1, the fulfillment ratio of ABC Participating Insurance Policy in 2022 is 109%, higher than the projection in the insurance proposal by 9%, or USD2,700. As for Scenario 2, the fulfillment ratio