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获享高达2.4%“奖赏钱”回赠. 于“最红自主奖赏“签账类别可享高达6倍“奖赏钱“,回赠达2.4%(即港币4.17 = 1 里)。. 连同本年度新增的”最红自主奖赏加码赏“,全年可获享最多额外$3,000”奖赏钱“!. 了解更多 最红奖赏计划。.
無論是繳交學費或日常消費,每次憑卡簽賬均可輕鬆賺取「獎賞錢」。. 白金 Visa 卡. 升級獎賞,垂手可得。. 在百佳、屈臣氏和豐澤消費,即可賺取高達6倍易賞錢,更可在指定日子尊享購物折扣。. EveryMile 信用卡. 尊享低至港幣2元=1里無上限簽賬回贈,體驗 ...
Discover the hottest offers year-round with HSBC Premier Mastercard®. Reap exclusive rewards at premium dining and shopping destinations all over Hong Kong. Comprehensive global education support
You can enjoy the following exclusive privileges from now until 31 December 2024 (unless specified) with your HSBC Premier Mastercard ® Credit Card: Buy-1-get-1-free on set dinners at designated Michelin-starred restaurants
Discover the hottest offers year-round with HSBC Premier Mastercard®. Reap exclusive rewards with premium dining, shopping, and travel experiences all over Hong Kong.
Earn unlimited miles at a rate as low as HKD2 = 1 mile, and enjoy a wide range of complimentary travel perks. Compare. Compare a range of HSBC credit cards, each with different benefits, rewards, air miles and welcome gifts. Apply online now and enjoy exclusive perks today.
HSBC Premier Mastercard® credit card. Join the world of HSBC Premier Mastercard® Credit Card, receive the personal services and privileges you need to choose the most out of life, and live it the way you choose to. Superior Rewards Programme, spend and earn RewardCash for gift and mileage redemption.