雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 最優惠利率指香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司不時所報的港元最優惠利率。 於此處查看和參考香港股市的現時匯豐的港元最優惠利率,及最近5次改動最優惠利率的記錄。

  2. Best Lending Rate (BLR) refers to the Hong Kong Dollar Best Lending Rate quoted by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from time to time. Find out about the HSBC's current Hong Kong Dollar best lending rate on Hong Kong Stock Market and the last 5 best lending rate change records here.

  3. 最优惠利率指香港上海汇丰银行有限公司不时所报的港元最优惠利率。 于此处查看和参考香港股市的现时汇丰的港元最优惠利率,及最近5次改动最优惠利率的记录。

  4. P按(即「Prime Rate」)是來自銀行最傳統的「最優惠利率」,是活期利率的一種。 H按是什麼? H按的全稱為「銀行同業折息利率」(Hong Kong Inter-bank Offered Rate、HIBOR),本質上指銀行之間的借貸利率,銀行再「借用」了這個內部數字,去計算按揭利率。

  5. www.hangseng.com.gslb-hk1.hsbc.com › rates › prime-ratesPrime Rates - Hang Seng Bank

    Find out how much you could borrow, how much it will cost and what you could save with a Deposit-linked Mortgage. Calculate now.

  6. 滙豐上調港元最優惠利率由5.0%至 5.125%. 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司今天宣布, 由2022 年9 月23 日( 星期五) 起,上調港元最優惠利率12.5 點子,由年利率 5.0% 調高至5.125%。. 滙豐對上一次於2019 年11 月1 日調整港元最優惠利率, 當時減息12.5 點子。. 同時, 滙豐給予港元 ...

  7. 查看HSBC滙豐銀行H按HIBOR按揭計劃詳情,計算你的按揭利率、現金回贈、每月還款額、按揭成數及壓力測試。 現經MoneySmart申請,可獲額外優惠及回贈,更有專人為你跟進整個按揭申請過程,立即比較!

  8. The best lending rate of HSBC, Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Hang Seng Bank will rise by 12.5 basis points to 5.125 per cent starting on Friday, Monday and Tuesday respectively, while the...

  9. HSBC Prime-Based Mortgage Plan is based on HSBC's Hong Kong Dollar Best Lending Rate which leads to relatively stable mortgage instalment, which can help you execute your property strategy with ease.

  10. 2022年9月22日 · Hong Kong's note-issuing banks HSBC, Standard Chartered and Bank of China on Thursday announced that they are raising their best lending rates by 12.5 basis points. This will bring HSBC's prime ...

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