雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 查詢中國工商銀行(亞洲)分行及自動櫃員機地址和服務時間。.

  2. 2024年10月15日. 有關網上銀行取消到價提示和港股串流報價功能及手機銀行取消到價提示功能的通知. 2024年10月09日. 關於延長4間分行週末營業時間的通知. 2024年10月04日. 關於北角分行的搬遷通知. 2024年09月27日. 有關信用卡移動支付服務終止服務的通知. 2024年09月26日.

  3. With ICBC (Asia) Internet Banking service (“Internet Banking”), you are able to access our comprehensive range of financial and investment solutions through Internet anytime, anywhere. Moreover, you can enjoy more with various exclusive offers.

  4. 透過中國工商銀行(亞洲)個人網上銀行,您可24小時輕鬆管理財務和投資。. 更可專享多種優惠,讓您節省更多。. 開戶條件簡單,只需持有活期賬戶或信用卡賬戶即可申請。.

  5. 中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司. 中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司(「中國工商銀行(亞洲)」)是一家在香港註冊成立的持牌銀行,為目前全中國最大商業銀行——中國工商銀行股份有限公司(「中國工商銀行」)在境外的業務旗艦,亦為香港具本地系統 ...

  6. View and download our latest forms for Personal Banking Services and Business Banking Services.

  7. Search “ICBC (Asia)” through App Store, Google Play, or scan the following QR Codes to download the ICBC (Asia) Commercial Mobile Banking APP. APK App Store

  8. 於App Store或Google Play搜尋「工銀亞洲」或「ICBC (Asia)」,或掃描以下二維碼,即可下載中國工商銀行(亞洲)個人手機銀行應用程式。

  9. ICBC (Asia) - Broaden Your Vision. Bank with Us. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited (the “Bank”) would like to remind customers to pay attention to the trend of bogus voice message phone calls or bogus bank hotline numbers. Please protect your sensitive personal information at all times in order to avoid your ...

  10. Internet Banking. Information technologies are changing our way of living in the new-era, so is web-based financial management. With various e-services channels including personal internet banking, commercial internet banking, mobile banking, phone banking and ATM services, you can handle your finance at ease.

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