雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. DBS - MARS Login. Log in with organisation ID. Log in with email. Log in with QR. Forgot login PIN or password / Unlock account.

  2. 一登入即可處理星展集團網絡中的所有企業銀行賬戶. 個人化資訊主頁,登入即時閱覽主要賬戶資料. 檢視過去六個月的詳細賬戶結單及交易通知. 將賬戶結單及匯款通知書等定期報告傳送到您的電郵地址. 就到期繳款、低結餘及匯入資金等重要活動接收實時通知 ...

  3. 一登入即可處理星展集團網絡中的所有企業銀行賬戶. 設置個人化資訊主頁,即時閱覽主要賬戶資料. 檢視過去六個月的詳細賬戶結單及交易通知. 將賬戶結單及匯款通知書等定期報告傳送到您的電郵地址. 接收實時通知,包括到期繳款、低結餘及匯入資金等重要活動. 付款交易 暢順無阻. 全新的Transfer Wizard剔除難明的銀行術語,並根據您的交易,建議可用的付款方式. 建立範本及上載檔案,便於處理日常交易(例如支薪) 善用銀行及收款人資料庫,迅速準確地輸入收款人資料. 透過收款人通知功能,在交易成功完成時通知收款人. 以預先訂立的外匯合約進行海外付款. 與您的企業管理系統進行整合,實現暢順無阻的付款及對賬體驗. SWIFT gpi 跨境匯款追蹤. 貿易融資.

  4. Account Information at your Fingertips. Single access to all your business banking accounts across the DBS network. Personalised dashboard that displays key account information upon login. View enriched account statements and transaction advice slips for the last six months.

  5. DBS - MARS Login. Log in with organisation ID. Log in with email. Log in with QR.

  6. You are recommended to login to DBS IDEAL mobile first, and complete the installation of DBS IDEAL digital token+. After doing so, you will be able to use your digital token for subsequent logins on both your desktop and mobile for authentication purposes.

  7. DBS IDEAL digital token+ is available to all DBS IDEAL users. You can simply download the latest version of the DBS IDEAL Mobile app and login with your credentials and login PIN. If you have not logged in to DBS IDEAL before, please log in to DBS IDEAL