雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Tax rates for the latest 7 years. Profits Tax. Property Tax. Salaries Tax. Personal Assessment. Annual Income level at which salaries taxpayers approach the standard rate zone. back to top. 2017 ©| Important notices | Privacy policy. Last review date: 2 May 2024.

  2. 提供有关香港特别行政区税务局的税率信息。

  3. 稅率. 薪俸税及個人入息課税税率. 提交報稅表、查詢及繳稅. 薪俸税及個人入息課税税率. 分享: 檢視薪俸税及個人入息課税税率前,可先了解怎樣計算你的應繳税款。 本文還列出標準税率及臨近須按標準税率繳税的每年入息水平。 若要確實是按標準税率或累進税率計算應繳税款,你須使用由税務局製作的簡單税款計算機來確定。 更多有關使用税款計算機 http://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/taxes/etax/services/tax_computation.htm#TaxCalculator. 怎樣計算你的應繳税款. 應課税入息實額,即應予評税的入息減去扣除及免税額,須按累進税率計算應繳税款。

  4. However, you should use the simple Tax Calculator developed by the Inland Revenue Department to find out whether your tax payable will be calculated at standard rate or at progressive rate. More on using Tax Calculator

  5. 當你在網上正式提交報税表前或提交報税表後,有關系統會自動根據你所填報的資料,估計你在該年度應繳的薪俸税款,並顯示在扣除已徵收的暫繳税後,你每期應繳的税款。 更多有關網上報税的詳情 http://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/taxes/etax/services/filing_of_tax_return_bir60.htm. 計算税款. 若要計算應繳的薪俸税款或個人入息課税税款,請按有關課税年度的連結, 然後在輸入頁選擇你的婚姻狀況,輸入總入息等資料。 完成輸入後,按底部的「計算」按鈕,另一個畫面便會出現,並列出你的估計應繳税款。 計算薪俸税. 按目前法例.

  6. Allowances, Deductions and Tax Rate Table. Allowances. Year of Assessment. Basic Allowance Married Person’s Allowance Child Allowance (For each of the 1st to 9th child) For each child born during the year, the Child Allowance will be increased by Dependent Brother or Sister Allowance (For each dependant) Dependent Parent and Dependent ...

  7. Income tax rates are the percentages of tax that you must pay. The rates are based on your total income for the tax year. Your income could include: salary or wages. a Work and Income benefit. schedular payments. interest from a bank account or investment. earnings from self-employment. money from renting out property. overseas income.