雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This programme focuses on conceptual analysis and creative problem solving and aims to: provide students with an understanding of interior design in its historical and contemporary contexts; develop and refine students’ aesthetic sensitivity and creativity

  2. Basic Interior Design Studies. 初級室內設計學. 顯示全部. 收起全部. 課程內容. 報名手續. 報名日期. 下載報名表格. 注意事項. 轉科或轉組. 常見問題. 學費資助. 上述內容僅供參考,本院保留修改之權利。 香港浸會大學持續教育學院 | School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University.

  3. The Interior Design programme aims to provide students with creative, professional skills and knowledge that are necessary for a successful career in the interior design industry. The programme educates interior designers to have a broad interdisciplinary view of their role within the industry, and to be able to operate at various scales to ...

  4. 2019年9月1日 · The Professional Diploma in Interior Design provides learners with the professional acumen to practise as a spatial designer, with attunement to the latest technology and design trends. The programme is organised around nine modules (30 hours each) that cover:

  5. 課程介紹及特色. 室內設計高級文憑提供全面性的室内設計理論、技巧、溝通及傳達的講授,提升他們未來就業及升學競爭能力,為未來有意投身室内設計行業發展的同學,建立專業的技能及打穩多元化的設計基礎。 隨著科技的迅速發展,同學除要懂得傳統的設計技巧外,亦要掌握科技及媒體,在課程中同學有機會使用嶄新電腦設計軟件,在設計項目上,融匯不同設計元素,如材料應用、空間策劃等,開發創意及設計才能。 課程特色. 專業課程內容: 課程綜合專業空間設計、電腦繪圖、物料應用、智能家居及創新科技等著重訓練同學掌握專業的室内設計技巧及方法. 業界軟件: AutoCAD、SketchUp、VRay、BIM均屬業內廣泛應用的繪圖及設計軟件,學生亦會透虛擬實境程式展示成品. 專業器材: 本校設有3D打印機及激光模板切割供學生使用

  6. 前身為香港專業教育學院 (IVE),HKDI具有多年的設計教育經驗,融合多個設計學系的優勢,提供不同領域的設計課程,包括建築、室內及產品設計、基礎設計、傳意及數碼媒體設計、以及時裝及形象設計。

  7. This programme focuses on conceptual analysis and creative problem solving and aims to: provide students with an understanding of interior design in its historical and contemporary contexts; develop and refine students’ aesthetic sensitivity and creativity

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