雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The HKUST Master of Science in International Management Program, HKUST MIMT, is offered by the HKUST Business School. The Program is also in collaboration with CEMS, the global alliance in management education and the world leader in the pre

  2. JIM publishes theoretical and empirical research addressing international business strategy, comparative and cross-cultural management, risk management, organizational behavior, and human resource management, among others.

  3. Where global business meets responsible leadership. A world-class, highly practical, and academically demanding programme, our MSc International Management offers an in-depth exploration of business and management from a global perspective, meeting the needs of a fast-evolving and increasingly interconnected world.

  4. 国际商务管理 是指宏观上一国的 政府 或行业主管部门,从一国整体利益角度出发,对从 事国际商务活动的本国企业的经营活动所进行的限制、引导、帮助等活动。 微观国际商务管理是指某个 企业 或 企业集团 从利益角度出发,在从事国际商务管理活动的过程中寻找、分析、评价有利的 市场机会 和不利的 市场风险 ,作出相应 决策 并加以实施的一系列管理过程。 [ 编辑] 国际商务管理的内容. 微观国际商务管理的范畴是 企业国际化经营 的范畴;宏观国际商务管理的范畴是对外经济管理的范畴。

  5. The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) International Business Management programme aims to develop a broad understanding of the complex, diverse and integrated nature of business activity involved in International Trade and Global Management.

  6. Carefully-designed Curriculum with Asia Focus. The HKUST MIMT program builds a strong foundation for management success and creates a unique learning experience for each of our students through rigorous study and an emphasis on creativity, analytical thinking, teamwork and actual practice.

  7. The MIMT aims to develop students’ management knowledge and skills related to managing global organizations, to enhance the students’ cross-cultural and international exposure, and to prepare the students to be potential candidates for leadership positions in international management in a cross-cultural work environment.

  8. Conduct business management exercises in a culturally diverse setting drawing on international learning experiences; Apply advanced management and leadership principles, developed from systematic engagement with the corporate world;

  9. 国际管理》由广东外语外贸大学跨国团队讲授。 课程组将根据不同专家学者的学术背景安排讲授内容。 课程负责人黄磊博士(中国国籍。 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学博士,富布莱特学者。 研究方向:国际管理、企业社会责任和可持续发展管理)将负责整个课程的建设工作,主讲国际商务环境、国际工程承包、文化理论和中国管理文化等内容;吴易明教授(中国国籍。

  10. This chapter will prepare you for the complexities of international management by discussing some of the crucial issues faced by managers of international companies today. The chapter begins by discussing some of the key factors in making the business world global today and why an understanding of international management is so critical.

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