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  1. 其他人也問了

  2. Who is the INTJ personality type? INTJ (Architect) is a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world

  3. 作为最稀有的人格类型之一--也是最有能力的人群之一--建筑师 (INTJ) 非常了解这一点。 理性而机智的建筑师以自己的思考能力为傲,更不用说他们看穿虚伪和做作的神奇本领了。

  4. 2021年12月17日 · INTJ MBTI 十六型人格測驗中人數最少的人格之一,卻擁有最強戰略能力。 INTJ 的人格特質只佔全球人口的 2%,女性則更為稀有,僅有 0.8%。 被稱為「建築師」、「策劃者」的 INTJ,由於過人的智慧兼獨立的個性,很難找到志同道合的同伴,因此有高處不勝寒的感覺。 名人如 Facebook 創辦人朱克伯格、世界首富兼 Tesla 創辦人馬斯克(Elon Musk)、《天能》知名導演 Christopher Nolan 都擁有 INTJ 人格特質呢! ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUE READING BELOW. INTJ 人格是甚麽? 作為 MBTI 十六型人格其中一種,INTJ 「建築師」代表內傾(I)、直覺(N)、思考(T)及判斷(J)。

    • intj personality1
    • intj personality2
    • intj personality3
    • intj personality4
    • intj personality5
    • Two INTJ Sub-Types
    • Key INTJ Characteristics
    • Cognitive Functions of The INTJ Personality Type
    • Personal Relationships with INTJs
    • Career Paths For An INTJ
    • Tips For Interacting with INTJs
    • Takeaways

    There are two INTJ subtypes: INTJ-A and INTJ-T. 1. INTJ-A: This subtype is known as the "Assertive Architect." An INTJ-A tends to have more self-confidence than an INTJ-T, particularly when handling life's ups and downs. And if things don't go the way they expect, an INTJ-A is not likely to second-guess their initial actions or experience regret. 2...

    INTJs are also often described as being: 1. Independent 2. Logical 3. Productive 4. Analytical 5. Organized 6. Reserved 7. Quiet 8. Creative 9. Capable 10. Controlling 11. Single-minded 12. Innovative 13. Relentless 14. Curious What is an INTJ personality like in everyday life? Here are a few key characteristics: 1. INTJs tend to be introverted and...

    The MBTI, which is based upon psychoanalyst Carl Jung's theory of personality, utilizes what is known as a 'functional stack' to understand each personality. Each personality type possesses a dominant function that sets the tone for that specific type. In addition to this dominant function, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior functions play supportin...

    People with an INTJ personality type are introverted, reserved, and spend a lot of time in their own mind. They work best by themselves and strongly prefer solitary activitiesto group work. While they tend not to be particularly interested in other people's thoughts and feelings, INTJs do care about the emotions of the select group of people with w...

    When INTJs develop an interest in something, they strive to become as knowledgeable and skilled as they can in that area. They have high expectationsand hold themselves to the highest possible standards. INTJs value information, knowledge, and intelligence, making them excellent scientists and mathematicians. They also tend to do particularly well ...

    If you have an INTJ in your life, here are tips for interacting with them based on your relationship.

    As with other personality types, it's important to remember that the INTJ personality is unique. No two people are exactly alike, so your own personality may vary in terms of each unique characteristic. Learning more about your personalitytype can help. This will help you better understand your tendencies, appreciate your strengths, and feel prepar...

  5. 作為最稀有的人格類型之一--也是最有能力的人群之一--建築師 (INTJ) 非常瞭解這一點。 理性而機智的建築師以自己的思考能力為傲,更不用說他們看穿虛偽和做作的神奇本領了。

  6. Arealme分析並整理了有關INTJ型人格的一切,能夠幫助妳了解INTJ人的性格優勢與盲點,戀愛、友誼、親子關系等社交與情感生活,以及職業規劃、人生建議和與其他人格的關系。

  7. INTJ的性格特點. INTJ型又稱建築師型,擅長邏輯思考,擁有敏銳的洞察力。 能想出具獨創性的點子,因其完美主義的性格,常會專心致志在感興趣的事物上。 這類型的人比起與團隊共事,更偏好獨力工作。 擅長挑戰達成很高的目標和解決難題,具有在工作中收穫巨大成果的素質。 他們很有自信,能嚴格要求自己,但也會嚴苛地對待他人,有時可能會帶給人傲慢的印象。 由於不擅言辭,也不擅長以和藹可親的態度待人,要小心招人誤解或讓人感覺難以接近。 16型人格測試. 偉人輯. 進行測試吧 (3分) INTJ的優點和缺點. (+) 優點. 邏輯思考. 分析力佳. 洞察力卓越. 集中力佳. 冷靜沉著. 獨立心態強. 能辯倒別人. 有突然的靈感. 有獨創的感性. 擅長計劃. 能有效率地思考. 好奇心旺盛. 眼界開闊.