Stay on top of current data on the stock market in Hong Kong, including leading stocks as well as large and small cap stocks. Click on individual stocks for additional information.
Current data on the financial markets for Hong Kong, including major and sector indices and their components, leading stocks, gainers and losers.
Stay on top of current data on stocks and sector indices in Hong Kong, including the latest price, daily high, low and change% for each index. Click on individual indices for technical charts and...
即時拆解最新股市形勢,追蹤港股A股美股等股市指數、環球利率。 剖析大市、提供股份推介、基本面分析、板塊分析內容。 從贏面及值博率,分析金股滙債息市場變化、指數異動、大戶動向、大手成交、沽空機構部署,以及ETF、期指期權等衍生工具佈局。
Investing.com 香港 - 股市報價 & 財經新聞. 💎 挖掘低估值寶藏股 立即開始. 6大貨幣對、美元指數及黃金阻力/支持位. 本文提供美元指數、歐元、英鎊、日元、瑞郎、澳元、加元及黃金支撐阻力位。 歐元/美元 英鎊/美元 阻力位 支撐位 阻力位 支撐位 1.0879 1.0868 1.2965 1.2943 1.0885 1.0864 1.2978...