雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ISA Outlet China Hong Kong City Shop 10, LG/F, China Hong Kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. 852 23665820

  2. ISA Boutique. 22,578 likes · 38 talking about this · 279 were here. ISA Boutique in Hong Kong has more than 50 years of history, assembles the worldwide renowned fashion brand and introduces the...

  3. Official Website/桃園市中壢區後寮二路148號. TEL : (03)438-0007. MON.-FRI. 9:00-18:00. - 品質保證 、闆娘親自挑選🤍 - 商品全部實拍 - 門市營業時間 16:00-23:00 -工作室營業時間 10:00-19:00 - 聯絡電話:03-4380007 - 粉絲團/IG搜尋 choice.ISA.

  4. 【網上購買ISA產品可享更多優惠】 由即日起到ISA網店成為新登記會員並購買任何產品後,於下一次網上購買正價貨品即享有9折優惠! 咁著數,你眼睛想幾時shopping都得喇!

  5. 因為香港義莎(ISA)時裝精品店是一傢一站式的名牌分銷店,無論Armani、Hugo Boss、Gucci還是Prada等等世界名牌,都可以在義莎(ISA)找到,而且義莎更是Cartier,Dunhill及Lancel的指定經銷商,知名品牌雲集之多,堪稱香港名牌第一站。

  6. hk.linkedin.com › company › isaboutique-hkISA Boutique - LinkedIn

    ISA has gathered over 40 well-known international brands and has 10 branches across Hong Kong and Macau, located on Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay shopping hot spots. ISA has...

  7. Isa Isa online shop. 42 likes. Isa Isa Online Shop誠意為客戶推薦各種家居用品健康產品和個人護理產品。 希望大家喜歡,多多支持!

  8. ISA Fashion Boutique International Limited specializes in fashion, leather products, eyeglasses, and jewelry from famous brands. They collect products of different style and designs from fashion brands all over the world. Shop details. Email. info@isaboutique.com. Location (s): Kowloon. Address:

  9. 來香港的遊客經常都會到isa名牌折扣店來購物,ISA是香港旅遊發展局認證商號,商量質量可靠放心,這裏匯合各大一線品牌包包和服裝,旗下代理的品牌包括gucci、聖羅蘭、burberry、BV等,九龍旗艦店在尖沙咀漢口中心地下一層,銅鑼灣旗艦店在信和廣場。

  10. 義莎(ISA)可以說是歐美大牌的集中營,LV、古馳、阿瑪尼、卡地亞、普拉達等等可謂是應有盡有。 如果做好功課加上一點運氣,找到五折的新品也是有可能的。