雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 又或者職業為的士司機的話,您只需提供的士租車單、有效駕駛執照及有關之收入證明便可 如申請貸款,花旗銀行會向信貸資料庫索取甚麼資料? 一般情況下,我們會向信貸資料庫查閱您的信貸記錄包括信貸賬戶資料、逾期還款賬戶資料、信貸查詢記錄及過往還款資料等等。

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  2. 合資格客戶需於同一階段內憑Citi信用卡累積合資格外幣簽賬相等於HK$3,000或以上,方可於相關階段之合資格外幣簽賬獲得6%簽賬回贈 (「優惠1」)。. 合資格客戶不論使用多少張Citi 信用卡簽賬,每階段最多可享HK$450額外回贈,由優惠1可享之額外回贈最多為HK$900 ...

  3. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

  4. 唔使等新卡到手 簽賬著數已經在手 可以Shop住賺回贈,聽到都興奮!但係新卡未到手? 即使新卡未到手都一樣可以shop住賺回贈!畀您更快享盡優惠!只要申請已獲批核,您就可以喺Citi Mobile ® App啟動虛擬版信用卡/扣賬卡 *,兼隨即喺網上或者店舖簽賬,未有實體卡一樣可以簽盡購物樂趣!

  5. a) 基本積分: 憑信用卡簽賬每HK$1 (或其外幣之等值)即可獲1積分; b) 網購積分: 每HK $ 1(或其外幣之等值)網上簽賬可獲額外2積分。. 網上簽賬只包括具有正式付款記錄、且根據相關信用卡組織或商戶收單機構之商戶編號或簽賬類別釐定為網上簽賬的交易 ...

  6. They offer the potential for higher return on investment compared to a standard deposit. Ideal for investors looking for portfolio diversification in asset classes, sectors, and geographies. Contact our Investment Service Hotline at (852) 2860 0222 or visit any Citibank branch. Apply now. HIGHLIGHTS.

  7. 立即申請. 無論您從事任何行業或是自僱人士,Citi貸易借都可滿足您的週轉需要。. 只需簡單文件,現金輕鬆到手。. (按 此 了解私人貸款產品資料概要) 接受任何形式糧單 a. 貸款額高達8倍月薪 b. 還款期長達60個月 c. 無隱藏條款.

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