雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This programme allows students to study and examine how culture and lifestyle can influence product design. Students will also learn to conduct research, analyse product and market trend, master technology, and produce concepts to rejuvenate or enhance the products.

  2. This programme will allow students to study culture and lifestyle in order to understand how these factors influence product designs. Students will also learn to conduct research, analyse product and market trends, master technology, and produce concepts to

  3. You’ll acquire the skills you need to become a professional product or service designer, and create innovative products and engaging service experiences. You’ll also develop a creative and innovative approach to product design and service innovation by challenging and exploring contemporary practices through a series of exciting and diverse ...

  4. With contemporary design as the cornerstone, we present a series of top-notch exhibitions every year ranging on graphic design, architecture, fashion, product design, multimedia and so on. Read More Sitemap

  5. 香港專業教育學院 << IVE. 2024年 2月 5日 [院校動態]香港知專設計學院首度與廣州美術學院攜手舉辦《傳統在未來 - 廣州美術學院文化創新設計展》. 融合傳統文化元素和創意設計 促進年青設計師共建人文灣區. 2024年 7月. S. M.

  6. By taking into account user-centred design, social context, and commercial understanding, the BA (Hons) in Product and Furniture Design programme focuses on the design and development of creative, contemporary, and innovative products and furniture.

  7. 2022/23年度之課程資訊只供參考,詳情請瀏覽VTC 招生處網頁。 ∗ VTC基礎課程文憑已獲公務員事務局納為符合報考以中學文憑試五科(包括中國語文和英國語文)第二級成績為入職學歷的公務員職系,亦可報讀VTC高級文憑課程。

  8. IVE Engineering has a total of 10 departments in different IVE campuses offering 16 programmes at Higher Diploma and Diploma levels. The programmes mainly cover the four important development areas, Sustainable Built Environment, Innovation & Technology, Engineering Design & Infrastructure, and Smart Mobility, which sustain the economic growth ...

  9. The programme is specially developed to focus on furniture and lifestyle product design. Students will be guided to explore the masterpieces by modern masters and the global trends of furniture and lifestyle products from the past to the present.

  10. www.ive.edu.hk › ivesite › html入學申請 << IVE

    IVE/HKDI 高級文憑 現正招生. IVE/HKDI提供的高級文憑課程,涵蓋7大專業範疇,同學可因應個人興趣及專長,開拓專業發展路。. VTC為中六同學提供由文憑至學位的多元升學選擇。. 學士學位 、 高級文憑 、 基礎課程文憑 及 職專文憑課程 ,詳情請登入 VTC課程及入學 ...

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