雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Shop the latest in British styles for Men and Women. Established in Salcombe, Devon, England - the home of Jack Wills.

  2. Established in 1999 as a single shop in the seaside town of Salcombe, Jack Wills is a British lifestyle brand. Known for its high-quality, heritage-inspired wardrobe classics, Jack Wills epitomises a carefree, youthful spirit – intrinsically charming, endlessly

  3. Shop our full collection of men’s clothing. Whether you need comfy loungewear to chill around the house in, work attire or smart evening looks, you’ll find it here in our range of men’s essential hoodies, heritage sweatshirts, joggers, classic shirts and branded t-shirts and so much more.

  4. Established in 1999 as a single shop in the seaside town of Salcombe, Jack Wills is a British lifestyle brand. Known for its high-quality, heritage-inspired wardrobe classics, Jack Wills epitomises a carefree, youthful spirit – intrinsically charming, endlessly

  5. Discover the fresh array of women’s clothing and accessories that will upgrade your off-duty attire. Fill your wardrobe with signature hoodies and jackets, comfy tees and women's joggers and leggings for a low-key look with logo detailing for a fashion finesse.

  6. Jack Wills :日常穿搭的時尚必備品. Jack Wills 服飾系列簡約但不失時髦,是日常造型的必備品之一。 由基礎的T恤、連身裙、衛衣等, 到不同風格的單品,如大衣、運動褲、恤衫等,獨特設計配上沉穩的色彩,應有盡有而且十分百搭,滿足你不同需求。 無論你是走在潮流尖端還是對穿搭沒有特別關注的人,這個品牌的單品都非常容易駕馭,怎麼配搭都能輕鬆打造完美造型,總有一款會適合你。 立即到ZALORA香港選購Jack Wills時裝系列. 現在你可於香港網上選購 Jack Wills 各種服飾,打造全新時尚造型。 網購平台ZALORA為你搜羅Jack Wills最新最潮服裝系列,讓你足不出戶都可以合理價格選購心水款式。

  7. Jack Wills 是英國服裝品牌。 歷史 [ 編輯] 彼得·威廉姆斯和羅伯特·肖在1999年創立了這個品牌。 威廉姆斯當時是23歲,第一家商店在 索爾科姆 的22 Fore Street開幕,它創造了4萬英鎊 - 創始人睡在店鋪上方。 該品牌以其中一位共同創始人的祖父母命名。 [2] 在接受英國「金融時報」採訪時,威廉姆斯說:「當我開始考慮一個高級品牌時,我把這個願景聯想到我在索爾科姆時的記憶,我想:」如果我能創造一個品牌能包括,英式大學關於什麼和所有酷的驚人的東西? 這是你生活中一個獨特的珍貴的部分,我想如果你能創造一個集大成的品牌,表示這將是非常引人注目。 該品牌取得了成功,同年10月在倫敦富咸也開設了第二家分店。

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