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  1. japanese language course hk 相關

  2. 11月21日N5新班/12月3日N4新班/10月18日N3新班,名額少量,報名從速。 8週達日語N5級程度,全面聽講讀寫訓練,每週2堂,每堂3小時

  3. Choose From a Wide Range of Languages to Learn. Join Talkpal Today for Japanese Learning. Track Your Progress and Get Tips From AI Tutor. Methods That Help You Progress in Japanese


  1. 本學院開設日語證書及文憑課程,為對日語及日本文化有興趣之人士,提供學習和進修日語的機會,藉此了解日本文化。 「日語高等文憑」課程為七年制,學員可因應自己的程度報讀,完成後可達中上級的日語程度。 希望繼續進修之學員可修讀「日語傳意及日本文化高等文憑」作為銜接課程,選修各範疇之科目,加強日語溝通及傳意能力。 學院亦提供不同種類的短期課程,包括關西方言、書道及花道等。 學院積極與學生互動交流,每年均舉辦各式各樣的文化交流活動,如銀閣(慈照)寺「東山文化」講座、日本留學展、日本就職展覽、朗讀比賽、日語卡拉OK大賽、香道、茶道、花道及料理示範等。 此外,為協助學員掌握課堂中學到的日語知識,學院於開設了e-learning網上學習平台,為學員提供課堂以外的完善學習支援。

  2. The School offers award-bearing programmes for those interested in learning more about Japanese language and culture. The seven-level Advanced Diploma in Japanese allows students to acquire a high proficiency in the language, while the multi-modular Advanced Diploma in Japanese Communication and Culture helps advanced students further their ...

  3. SHIN日本語學校從2003年起開辦日文課程,為香港政府註冊的教育機構,一直以來,除了校內的日語課程,還為不少日資公司及社福機構開辦高質素的日本語課程、暑期日語課程、兒童日語課程、日語會話強化、能力試對策 (JLPT)、旅遊日語等。. 學校為於尖沙咀 ...

    • japanese language course hk1
    • japanese language course hk2
    • japanese language course hk3
    • japanese language course hk4
    • japanese language course hk5
  4. 更新情報 What's New. 2023/12/1. 本校新推出網上日語課程,讓你隨時隨地學習日語、自由安排學習時間及進度、教學影片期間內無限重溫以及免費解答課程範圍內日文問題。. 瀏覽網上日語課程. 2023/4/1. 本校 N5 及 N4 課程,已. 通過 評審局質素保證程序. 錄入 資歷架構 ...

  5. 最新資訊 主頁:Pasona Education語文語言專門學校,位於銅鑼灣,提供日文日語/英文英語/普通話/廣東話課程,分為初中高班,專業老師,會話最強最好,馬上報名!

  6. This programme introduces beginners to hiragana, katakana and kanji, the three components of the Japanese writing system as well as commonly used daily greetings and the fundamental structure of Japanese sentences.

  7. Features of Japanese courses. Designed for those interested in / and eager to enhance their Japanese language skills. Provides the levels from certificate, diploma and higher diploma which cater those looking for specific academic level. Covers the Japanese listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture comprehensively.