雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月2日 · 香港業務將恢復沿用2008年合併前的名號Johnson Stokes & Master 沒有任何裁員計劃,大部分律師會留在孖士打律師行 總部設於美國芝加哥的大型律師事務所Mayer Brown(孖士打)落實分拆香港業務「孖士打律師行」獨立營運,香港業務將恢復沿用2008年合併前的名號Johnson ...

  2. 2024年5月2日 · Mayer Brown LLP (“Mayer Brown”) announced today an agreement in principle for the Hong Kong partnership to separate from the international practices of Mayer Brown, reverting to its legacy name, Johnson Stokes & Master (“JSM”).

  3. Johnson Stokes & Master ( JSM) was one of the oldest and largest law firms in Asia before it was combined into Mayer Brown on January 28, 2008 to become Mayer Brown JSM. JSM had offices in Hong Kong, where it was one of the leading law firms, and in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai on mainland China, as well as in Bangkok, Thailand and Hanoi and ...

  4. 2024年5月3日 · 總部設於美國芝加哥的大型律師事務所Mayer Brown,落實分拆香港業務「孖士打律師行」獨立營運,並恢復2008年合併前的名號Johnson Stokes & Master以繼續營運。Mayer Brown會透過設立新合伙繼續在港營運。

  5. 孖士打律师行( Johnson Stokes & Master )于1863年在香港成立,2008年与美亚博国际律师事务所(Mayer Brown LPP)合并 [5] ,如今被称为Mayer Brown(原名为Mayer Brown JSM)。 [6] 办事处. 该律所在北京、布鲁塞尔、夏洛特、芝加哥、杜塞尔多夫、迪拜、法兰克福、河内、胡志明市、香港、休斯顿、伦敦、洛杉矶、墨西哥城、纽约、帕罗奥多、巴黎、三藩市、上海、新加坡、东京、华盛顿设有办事处;并通过与Tauil & Chequer Advogados联营,在巴西利亚、里约热内卢、圣保罗、维多利亚设有办事处。 公益法律服务.

  6. 2024年5月14日 · 孖士打律師行(Johnson Stokes & Master)1863年在香港成立,1893年在上海設立辦事處,曾經因為二戰世界大戰日本佔領香港而中斷香港業務,戰後又重新恢復,並逐漸將業務拓展到亞洲區內不同城市,提供全方位的法律服務。

  7. 2007年12月21日 · US-based international law firm Mayer Brown and Hong Kong’s Johnson, Stokes and Master are merging in a move that will create the world’s tenth-largest law firm by revenue. The rare...

  8. 2024年4月30日 · Until 2018, Mayer Brown was known as Mayer Brown JSM after a merger between the American firm and legacy Hong Kong firm Johnson Stokes & Master in 2008. The combination was unprecedented given...

  9. 2024年5月2日 · Mayer Brown said its Hong Kong partners plan to reestablish their firm as Johnson Stokes & Master (JSM), which was the name of the Hong Kong-based entity that merged with Mayer Brown in 2008.

  10. 2024年5月3日 · US-based law firm Mayer Brown has confirmed that it will end its 15-year partnership with Johnson Stokes & Master (JSM). Mayer Brown said it would continue to operate in Hong Kong through a “new partnership”, while the law firms would revert to their

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