雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Zingaro spaces, located within Nakano Broadway, attract art collectors seeking art and merchandise produced by Kaikai Kiki from around the country and all over the world. Coffee Zingaro is where such visitors will enjoy their coffee and tea surrounded by artistic atmosphere.

  2. 「これは新作じゃないか、何故、骨董市なんだ?」ということについて、お話ししたいと思います。 正直、僕が骨董の世界に入って来たのは、自分の知らない世界がある、自分がまだ見ぬ、可能性のある世界がある、ということで入っていきました。

  3. Thank you for your interest in Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd., a general trading company for art. We have been producing, educating about, and distributing truly world-class artworks for the past 20 years (or more than 25 years including the time before incorporating).

  4. Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. was founded by Takashi Murakami in 2001, and evolved from its predecessor, the Hiropon Factory, which was founded in 1996.

  5. Zingaroは、アーティスト村上隆率いるアートカンパニー〈カイカイキキ〉がプロデュースする ギャラリー"Hidari Zingaro"、ショップ"Tonari no Zingaro"、 ペストリーショップ"Tonari no Kaikado"、そして、事務所"Office Zingaro Yokocho"の総称です。

  6. Moved Permanently. The document has moved here.

  7. Thank you for your interest in Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd., a general trading company for art. We have been producing, educating about, and distributing truly world-class artworks for the past 20 years (or more than 25 years including the time before incorporating).

  8. Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. was founded by Takashi Murakami in 2001, and evolved from its predecessor, the Hiropon Factory, which was founded in 1996.

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