雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Kent College, Canterbury is a co-educational private school for boarding and day pupils between the ages of 3 months and 18 years. It was founded in 1885, and is a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference.

  2. Kent College Canterbury - Independent day and boarding school. Enjoys world-class achievements in academic results, sport and the arts in a caring environment.

  3. Kent College, Canterbury 佔地 280 英畝,位於英格蘭東南部城市 Canterbury 市郊,現有超過 700 位學生,國際學生來自超過 40 個國家和地區。 學校在 2015 年官方視學報告(ISI)中全部九個範疇包括學習成果、教學、宿舍水平等方面都獲得最佳評級「傑出(Excellent ...

  4. Kent College Canterbury - independent day and boarding school. Enjoys world-class achievements in academic results, sport and the arts in a caring environment.

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kent_CollegeKent College - Wikipedia

    Kent College, Canterbury is a co-educational private school for boarding and day pupils between the ages of 3 months and 18 years. It was founded in 1885, and is a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference.

  6. Located on the outskirts of the beautiful cathedral city of Canterbury, our school is proud both of its 130 years of history and tradition, and of its forward-looking, innovative approach to education.

  7. Located on the outskirts of the beautiful cathedral city of Canterbury, our school is proud both of its 130 years of history and tradition, and of its forward-looking, innovative approach to education.

  8. Kent College, Canterbury成立於1885年是位於英格蘭東南部的一所男女私立學校,為0-18歲的學生提供托兒、幼兒教育以及中小學教育,並於學生8歲起提供寄宿服務。.

  9. Kent College, Canterbury創立於1885年現時已有130多年歷史。. 校園位於Kent郡 Canterbury市的中心邊緣,距離倫敦約一小時車程,學校與火車站來往約20分鐘。. 學校現有五百多位學生,約三分之一是寄宿學生,而國際學生更來自四十多個國家。. Kent College, Canterbury校風 ...

  10. Kent College Canterbury 簡介. 傳統名校學區. 位於傳統名校學區,毗鄰 University of Kent 及King’s School Canterbury,而且與世界文化遺產坎特伯里大教堂(Canterbury Cathedral)及聖奧古斯丁修道院(Abbey of St Augustine)彼此相望,整個小鎮彌漫著濃濃的中世紀氣氛,為學生營造一個學術氣氛濃厚且安全的生活社區。 成績方面,往年有不少學生以A-Level成績考入劍橋、倫敦大學學院(UCL)及Central St Martins等知名學府。 如果你打算考慮讓子女到英國升學的話,想擺脫城市的束縛, Kent College ,一個離倫敦不遠、環境幽靜又教育資源豐富的學校,不失為一個好選擇。

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