雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 最能夠在討論中自覺主導,透過KF的各種功能演進概念,從而對論題有深入的認識 開展不斷推進的探究 識別須加以鑽研的主要問題 讓成員清楚表達所提供意見的目的和意圖 監察討論進度 在社群內互通作出更改的地方 視想法及理論為可改進的概念製品

  2. Knowledge Forum is a problem-centered collaborative knowledge medium that operates over a computer network. In the database, students and their teachers can create text and graphic notes, read and build onto each others' notes, and create views to represent different aspects of their collaborative work.

  3. 2 天前 · Intelligent DEsign-Aware Learning Analytics Empowered 21C Learning & Teaching System. The project aims to develop the Intelligent DEsign-Aware Learning analytics empowered 21C Learning &Teaching System which will provide primary and secondary schools with the complete set of tools they need for e-learning design, implementation ...

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  4. University-school Support Programme – Professional Development Network for Knowledge Building in Schools. This project is funded by the Education Bureau and it aimed at supporting schools on developing and scaling up knowledge building pedagogy, sustaining teacher professional growth, and improving student learning through a knowledge ...

  5. The following is a table of how certain functions of the KF might facilitate the social aspects of knowledge building. Stages in the development of a KB Community Characteristics of Social Interactions

  6. 教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心(CITE)的「知識建構教師網絡」計劃是由香港特別行政區政府教育局撥款的。 自二零零六年起,計劃研究小組和參與計劃的老師協作為本港學校建立良好的KB教學法,並與海外學校作交流、協作。

  7. Knowledge Forum®, which is hosted at CITE ( http://kf.cite.hku.hk ), is used by teachers and students in the project to facilitate their collaborative knowledge building activities. Objectives of the project: To motivate teachers and students to work collaboratively on developing knowledge building;

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  3. 登記參加課程資訊及體驗日,預先了解JUPAS以外的升學路及發展前景。 參觀先進教學設施,體驗互動教學,掌握高級文憑及文憑升學優勢。

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