雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. King's production成立於2002年是一間專業攝影影樓及攝影工作室,至今已為超過500間公司、團隊及100,000個人提供拍攝造型服務。. #婚禮攝影 #專業照大師 #個人品牌攝影 #人像攝影.

  2. In 2002, King On founded the "King's production", which is a wedding day photography based company. By the time, King also created Wedding Day album. In addition to filming the wedding day, there are also some commercial shooting.

  3. King’s Production 的攝影師們創造了 “ 觸手可及的永恆回憶 ” 為你精心珍藏你與摯愛每一階段的最真情流露的美好記憶,並自此經久流傳。 Pre-Wedding King’s 最初以拍攝婚禮為主,後來逐步把拍攝婚禮的手法帶動到海內外婚紗攝影上,無論是攝影風格還是美學理念 ...

  4. During more than 20 years of continuous operation, King’s Production has produced just over 1000 wedding assignments – a small number compared to companies that favor mass production techniques. In the greatest portrait tradition, King’s Production continues to apply its expertise and creativity in the production of photos and videos that ...

  5. King’s Production x 365 Workshop 惠顧婚紗攝影或婚禮攝影可獲 $1000 折扣

  6. 2018年8月18日 · 今天 19/8 半島 Wedding Fair , 我們 King’s Production 預備咗婚攝優惠給各新人,記得來看看啦!

  7. King's Production 提供全日或半日婚禮專業攝影及錄影服務,專業攝影師及攝錄師拍攝接新娘、婚姻註冊、外景婚紗攝影、晚宴等過程,並有紀實攝影(Snapshot)、成長片段、早拍晚播等婚禮攝影服務

  1. king s production wedding 相關

  2. Exceptional Photography Services. Contact us for a memorable visual experience! High-quality imagery for marketing, events, and more. Book a session today!

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