雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. KODAK EKTAR 100 專業菲林側重色彩表現。具極致細膩的的顆粒度。拍攝戶外活動、旅遊照或專業商業攝影都適用。

  2. Kodak Ektar 100原廠號稱全球最細緻的底片。 同時也是我最愛的底片。 我很喜歡它淡淡且細緻的發色,忠實呈現現場且不會過於浮誇。 在用第一卷Kodak Ektar 100的時候,我忘記將我的相機ISO值調到相對應的100,拍到一半的時候才發現我一直在用200的設定拍攝,還好沖片的技術可以克服,只要再沖片的時候跟相館說要增感一格就好。...

  3. Kodak Ektar 100 36mm 彩色菲林. (36張/卷) 成為第一位評分的人. HK$ 125 - 128. 種類: 菲林格式: 135. 曝光次數: 36. 以上圖片、資料及價格僅供參考,如發現資料有誤,歡迎 指正以便我們了解及跟進。 收藏. 發表意見. 報價記錄. 用家評價 (0) 二手買賣 (0) 價格走勢. 共 4 個報價. 報價地圖. 報價篩選. 商戶 /地址. 日期 /商戶備註. 價格. Music Station. 三星級商戶 離線. 旺角山東街47-51號星際城巿3樓315舖. 近30日訂購.

    • Kodak
    • $125 - $128
    • 4
  4. KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTAR 100 Film is the world's finest grain color negative film. With ISO 100 speed, high saturation and ultra-vivid color. An ideal choice for commercial photographers and advanced amateurs.

    • Kodak
  5. Kodak Ektar 100 is claimed to be the film with the most digital camera-like feel. It was introduced in 2008 and has high color contrast and saturation, with a tendency towards yellow and red hues, making it particularly good for capturing yellow, red, and orange colors. Its vivid colors make it ideal for capturing landscapes and cityscapes.

  6. 2022年4月20日 · Kodak’s Ektar 100 is an exceptional emulsion. It stands apart from all other Kodak products in its colour rendition, dynamic range, and, of course, the grain. Recommendation not found. In this review: A brief history of Kodak’s Ektar brand. “World’s Finest Grain.” ” Metering Ektar for best, easy-to-edit exposures. Ektar’s colours.

  7. Featuring ISO 100 speed, high saturation, and ultra-vivid color, EKTAR 100 offers the finest, smoothest grain of any color negative film available today. Ideal for scanning, and offers extraordinary enlargement capability from a 35mm negative.

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