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  1. 2019年6月19日 · 近年有愈來愈多免費又實用的韓國旅行APP出現,不只有中文版的首爾地圖和地鐵線路圖,還有提供最新景點資訊和各種各樣的旅客優惠,只要下載了以下6個韓國旅遊APP,以後就能無障礙遊韓!

  2. 2023年12月10日 · 去韓國自由行前必看!如果想更方便在韓國旅行,出發前很推薦預先下載以下韓國旅行App,包括在韓國搵路必備的地圖App、韓國搭車的交通資訊App、韓文即時翻譯App、韓國叫外賣手機App等等。立即看 2024 年10大韓國旅行必下載app!

  3. 2024年4月13日 · 在不少的韓國群組內都會見到有人問邊個翻譯 app 好用,除了一般認知的 Google Translate外,韓國 Naver 本身都推出了 Naver Papago Translate,介面簡單易用,支援聽、寫、影相翻譯,繁體中文、英文都可以做到翻譯,睇唔明的餐牌只要影張相就翻譯到,配搭

    • korea map app1
    • korea map app2
    • korea map app3
    • korea map app4
    • korea map app5
    • Google Maps
    • Naver Map
    • T-Map
    • Kakao Map
    • One Navi
    • Conclusion

    Google Maps is pretty much universal. It’s the most widely used navigation app in the world. So, of course, it’s also available in South Korea. There are a few pros to using Google Maps. Firstly, it’s familiar. You probably use Google Maps in your home country. Therefore, you know how it works and what to do. If you’ve used it before, you don’t eve...

    Out of all the navigation apps in Korea, Naver Map is ranked next to Google. Like Google Maps, it has the most detailed maps and navigation information. The app records real-time information from users to optimize its navigation system. Moreover, it has several user-friendly features, some especially catering to tourists. As you can see below, you ...

    Thirdly, there’s the T Map application. This app belongs to SK Telecom, a wireless telecommunications operator. The best part about the app is its safety features. It has a ‘children protection path’, which warns you about school zones. Moreover, you can ask the app for voice reports on traffic, quickest routes, and speed cameras. Overall, the app ...

    Navigation maps in Korea usually have high accuracy. However, Kakao Map surpasses all accuracy expectations with its high-end navigation software. You can use the app for detailed directions and travel time. The app has options for types of transports: walking, cycling, driving, or using public transport. If you’re on foot, it’ll keep you safe on p...

    Lastly, One Navi is also one of the best navigation apps in Korea. It’s the best app for drivers. If you’re on a road trip, you should use One Navi. Not only does it give traffic reports, but it also helps minimize fuel costs. How? Well, it’ll give you the shortest route possible and guide you to cheaper gas stations. Therefore, you won’t have to s...

    To sum it up, navigating Korea is much simpler with these five apps. All of them have translation options, so language isn’t a problem. So, whether you’re going to work or simply exploring tourist spots, use these navigation apps in Korea. Moreover, if you’re looking for recommendations on where to go, check out Seoul’s infamous Harry Potter Themed...

  4. 2023年6月29日 · 🟥 首爾吃喝玩樂 規劃前往韓國自由行時,溫蒂原本熟悉的Google Map地圖工具APP目前在韓國的圖資完整度較低且功能也不強,此時僅能另行下載其他APP地圖工具軟體,才能協助行程規劃與提供交通建議路線,推薦以Kakao、NAVER、韓遊網、韓巢四個

    • wendy@itravelblog.net
    • Male
    • korea map app1
    • korea map app2
    • korea map app3
    • korea map app4
    • korea map app5
  5. 2024年1月18日 · 韓國交通APP「地圖功能APP」總覽. 韓國目前有2大地圖App: 韓國入口網站NAVER的地圖「NAVER map」(APP有簡中版) 入口網站Daum的「kakao MAP」(韓、英) 編輯首推有簡體中文版介面的NAVER Map. NAVER Map使用教學. 語言調整設定. 下載好Naver地圖的手機APP後,點左上角的「三」3條橫線,再點最下方的「설정」 (設置)。 再點中間的「언어」 (語言),就可以切換成英、簡中、日語等介面。 雖然是簡中版還是穿插著各種文字,但至少比全韓文的可辨識一些。 實際使用示範. 以「同心幸福中心」為例. 韓文輸入: 한마음행복센터. 電話號碼: 051-240-6575(搜尋時橫線 – 不用打)

  6. 2024年7月8日 · KakaoMap will show you the fastest routes in Korea! With KakaoMap, you can find everything you want in a map app, from directions to hot restaurants and local attractions, and more!