雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. LOST Junior is a line of escape rooms created by LOST to help first time escapers and young adventures to jump in and experience escape rooms. Unlock your hidden potential and learn how to approach problem solving in a way you’ve never tried before!

  2. LOST Mong Kok 旺角. 3/F, 67-71 Argyle Street, Mong Kok. (Mong Kok MTR Exit D2) 旺角 亞皆老街67-71號 3樓. (旺角地鐵站D2出口新之城對面). ☏: +852 2390 0093. Opening Hours 營業時間. Mon–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 22:00. 03.

  3. LOST Junior D2 Place Two. Shop 304, D2 Place Two, 15 Cheung Shun Street, Lai Chi Kok. 荔枝角 長順街15號 D2 Place 二期 304舖. ☏: +852 2890 2093. Opening Hours 營業時間.

  4. 2019年4月18日 · LOST Junior @ D2 Place. 地址:香港九龍荔枝角長順街15號D2 Place 二期 304號舖. 容納人數:40人. 費用:每位HK$140. 親子好去處 荔枝角 STEM. 政府近年大力推動STEAM(科學,科技,工程,藝術,數學),想激發孩子潛能,以玩學體驗(play-based learning)為基礎的真人密室逃脫遊戲LOST Junior正式於香港開幕,小朋友可透.

  5. LOST 代表 Learn (學習)Observe(觀察)Solve (解難)Think(思考),故此LOST Junior 設計出一系列真人實境冒險遊戲,讓小朋友透過遊玩中學習,並加入STEAM元素,即Science (科學)Technology (科技)Engineering (工程)Arts (藝術

  6. 2019年3月22日 · LOST Junior Shop 304, D2 Place TWO... 多個主題密室同新鮮刺激嘅謎題等你破解 ! 而家於門市消費滿HK$300,即送Lost Junior入場券一張,俾你約埋班friend一齊玩 !

  7. 身為密室逃脫Super Fan嘅你就唔可以錯過LOST Junior嘅2月限時優惠喇 即日起至2023年2月28日,只要喺LOST Junior購買一節密室逃脫遊戲體驗,即時可以半價加購同日第二節密室逃脫遊戲體驗喇!

  8. 2023年6月16日 · Discover why LOST and LOST Junior are the ultimate party venues in Hong Kong. From immersive adventures and thrilling challenges at LOST to age-appropriate fun and educational experiences at LOST Junior, these venues offer unforgettable celebrations for all

  9. Treat your children to a fun and exciting afternoon and visit LOST Junior at D2 Place Two in Lai Chi Kok. This 35-minute escape room experience will not only entertain your kids but will also help develop their skills! Let your youngster choose from three thrilling theme rooms with varying difficulties and interesting storylines.

  10. 2019年5月7日 · 《LOST JUNIOR》 地址:香港九龍荔枝角長順街15號D2 Place 二期 304號舖 網址:https://www.lostjunior.com/ 營業時間:星期一至星期五1 pm – 10 pm;星期六、星期日及公眾假期11 am – 10 pm 電話:2890 2093 大人版《LOST HK》 (1) 銅鑼灣 白沙道1-3號