雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear (or Lotso for short) is the main antagonist of the 2010 Disney • Pixar animated film Toy Story 3. He is a large, magenta pink strawberry-scented teddy bear who once ruled Sunnyside Daycare with the iron fist of a prison warden, despite his advertised sweet nature.

  2. Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear is a jumbo, extra-soft teddy bear with a pink and white plush body and a velvety purple nose. This lovable bear stands fuzzy heads and shoulders above other teddy bears because he smells like sweet strawberries!

  3. 基本介紹. 中文名:草莓熊. 外文名:Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear. 別名:勞蘇熊、熊抱哥. 配音: 尼德·巴蒂 、 許紹雄 、 劉風. 性別:男. 登場作品: 玩具總動員3. 角色形象. Lotso就是大受歡迎的反派“草莓熊”——這是一個特殊的角色,他看上去是粉紅色、毛茸茸的,聞起來是香甜的 草莓味,實則在憨厚可愛的 外表 下有一顆不羈的心。 玩具總動員3-草莓熊. 角色能力. 雖然是劇中的反派,他卻收穫了無數 冬粉。 劇中草莓熊的悲傷往事,從一開始的陽光明媚、溫煉協疊馨燦爛瞬間轉到雷電交加、風雨冰涼,再加禁微府上 小提琴曲 的泣血伴奏,不禁讓人黯然淚下,大呼心疼。 角色經歷. 他本來擁有一個幸福她拔的家庭,一個愛他的主人,一個粉紅色如夢如幻的世界。

  4. 草莓熊(Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear),是美国动画片《玩具总动员3》中的角色,由尼德·巴蒂、许绍雄、刘风配音。 草莓熊遭遗弃后,历经艰辛寻主未果,最终与伙伴小丑、大宝宝来到阳光幼儿园,与一群同样被遗弃的失败玩具为伴。

  5. Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear (or simply known as Lotso) is the main antagonist of Toy Story 3. He is an evil teddy bear who is the (former) ruler of Sunnyside Daycare which he turned like a prison and also Ken, Big Baby and the other toys' former leader and boss. He was voiced by the late Ned Beatty.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear (Lotso for short) is the main antagonist of the 2010 Disney/Pixar movie Toy Story 3.

  8. Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear, or simply known as Lotso, is the hidden main antagonist of Toy Story 3. He is a evil pink sentient strawberry-scented teddy bear who is the (former) ruler of Sunnyside Daycare, Ken, Big Baby, and the other toys' former leader and boss and Woody's arch-nemesis.