雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年1月11日 · Under the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS), owners of buildings aged 10 years or above (except domestic buildings not exceeding 3 storeys) and served with statutory notices are required to appoint a Qualified Person (QP) to carry out the prescribed inspection and supervise the prescribed repair works found necessary of all windows of ...

  2. 強制驗窗計劃規定樓齡達10年或以上的私人樓宇(不高於3層的住用樓宇除外)的業主,如接獲屋宇署送達法定通知,須委任一名合資格人士就樓宇的所有窗戶進行訂明檢驗,並負責監督檢驗後認為需要進行的訂明修葺工程。 如需進行訂明修葺,有關業主須委任一名註冊承建商,在一名合資格人士的監督下進行所需的訂明修葺。 強制驗窗計劃詳情. 強制驗樓及驗窗計劃的簡介短片及其他相關簡介會. 收看短片及了解其他相關簡介會詳情. 快速瀏覽. 涵蓋範圍及標準. 程序. 指明表格. 搜尋驗窗通知的狀況. 相關人士. 合資格人士及註冊承建商. 了解更多. 業主及業主立案法團. 了解更多. 保持窗戶安全. 正確使用和妥善維修保養窗戶的方法. 窗戶的保養. 找尋內容. 合資格人士. 註冊承建商. 指明表格. 費用資料. 常見問題.

  3. 2024年1月11日 · Under the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS), owners of buildings aged 10 years or above (except domestic buildings not exceeding 3 storeys) and served with statutory notices are required to appoint a Qualified Person (QP) to carry out the prescribed inspection and supervise the prescribed repair works found necessary of all ...

  4. Under the MWIS, owners of buildings aged 10 years or above (except domestic buildings not exceeding 3 storeys) and served with statutory notices are required to appoint a Qualified Person (QP) to carry out the prescribed inspection and supervise the

  5. Learn about the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) and find out more information here. Search for Qualified Person Here you can search for Qualified Persons (QP) to carry out the prescribed inspection and supervise the prescribed repair works found necessary for all windows of the buildings, and verify the information they provide.

  6. 強制驗窗計劃規定樓齡達10年或以上的私人樓宇(不高於三層的住用樓宇除外)的業主, 如接獲獨立審查組送達法定通知,須委任一名合資格人士就樓宇的所有窗戶進行訂明檢驗,並負責監督檢驗後認為需要進行的訂明修葺工程。 如需進行訂明修葺,有關業主須委任一名註冊承建商,在一名合資格人士的監督下進行所需的訂明修葺。 相關的建築物. 受《建築物條例》規管的屋邨/屋苑. 《綠表置居計劃》屋苑. 《居者有其屋計劃》屋苑. 《租者置其屋計劃》屋邨. 《可租可買計劃》屋苑. 已經分拆出售的商場和停車場所在的公共租住屋邨. 查閱《建築物條例》規管的樓宇. 《建築物條例》是否適用的屋邨 / 屋苑 / 設施對照清單. 目標樓宇的揀選. 每年被揀選的目標樓宇,會包括位於不同地區內不同狀況及樓齡的樓宇。

  7. Through implementation of the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MEIS) and a Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) introduced hereunder, it is mandatory for owners to regularly inspect their buildings and the windows therein with a view to identifying problems at an early stage and carry out timely remedial works to prevent their building...