雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 如您想使用港元繳交外幣保單的保費,我們強烈建議閣下使用 「轉數快」 (FPS), 網上銀行, 櫃員機 或 「繳費靈」 (PPS)繳付款項,藉此鎖定繳款當天的匯率,以免出現差額或繳費不足的情況。. 您亦可考慮透過銀行帳戶以 自動轉帳 方式繳付保費。. *只限澳門繕發 ...

  2. Manulife insurance premiums are subject to exchange rates that may change without prior notice. Learn the latest Manulife premium exchange rate now.

  3. www.manulife.com.hk › services › premium-exchange-rate付款汇率 - Insurance Site

    付款汇率. 汇率每天都会有所变动。. 如您想使用港元缴交外币保单的保费,我们强烈建议阁下使用 「转数快」 (FPS), 网上银行, 柜员机 或 「缴费灵」 (PPS)缴付款项,藉此锁定缴款当天的汇率,以免出现差额或缴费不足的情况。. 您亦可考虑透过银行帐户以 自动 ...

  4. 歡迎您透過富通保險網站,查看最新的外幣與港元保費兌換率

  5. Manulife Hong Kong comprehensive insurance, MPF and mutual funds provide protection while helping you reach your financial goals. Learn about our packages.

  6. This exchange rate is provided by Insurance Company and for reference only. You shall refer to Insurance Company's then exchange rate for exact HKD equivalent premium amount.

  7. © 2002-2024 Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

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