雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 宏利提供一站式《新資本投資者入境計劃》方案. 全面支援您落戶香港,開展新旅程. 立即了解更多. 提前繳付保費享有每年5.5%保證利息. 適用於宏利環球貨幣保障計劃 / 世紀傳承保障計劃 / 赤霞珠終身壽險計劃2(5年保費繳付期) 了解更多. 《積系打工仔》教育短片系列. 不論年紀,都可自信地為您的退休目標進行儲蓄和投資. 了解更多. 與你同行 成就更好. 了解更多. 宏摯傳承保障計劃. 選擇「宏摯傳承保障計劃」,開啟豐盛的未來。 了解更多. 宏利提供一站式《新資本投資者入境計劃》方案. 全面支援您落戶香港,開展新旅程. 立即了解更多. 提前繳付保費享有每年5.5%保證利息. 適用於宏利環球貨幣保障計劃 / 世紀傳承保障計劃 / 赤霞珠終身壽險計劃2(5年保費繳付期) 了解更多.

  2. 如有疑問,請致電(852)2108 1188(香港)/ (853) 8398 0383(澳門)或電郵至service_hk@manulife.com(香港及澳門)尋求協助。 查看更多 確認

  3. Manulife (International) Limited Policies and Practices on Personal Data As a provider of insurance and financial services, the collection and use of personal data is fundamental to the administration of your individual or group policy, the evaluation of your insurance and financial need, and the provision of services to you.

  4. 宏利客戶服務中心地址. 觀塘. 香港九龍觀塘偉業街223-231號宏利金融中心A座21樓 地圖. 宏利傳真. 2104 3504. 宏利客戶關顧及投訴傳真. 2104 3504.

  5. Manulife (International) Limited operates as an insurance company. The Company offers life and health insurance, life protection, investment, critical illness protection, medical care, accident...

  6. Manulife offers multiple products and services in Hong Kong, including investment and wealth management, insurance, employee benefits, among others.

  7. at a glance. Learn more. Your employees deserve a comprehensive MPF scheme. Learn more. Protect your employees with quality group life & health protection. Learn more. Calculate when and how much MPF contributions to be made. Calculate now. Know the procedures, claims with ease. Click here to start. Solutions for corporations. See more. MPF.

  8. As the longest continuously operating life insurer in Hong Kong, we are committed to helping people make their decisions easier and lives better. We offer a diverse range of protection and wealth...

  9. 登入宏利帳戶,管理您的個人保險,團體及公司保險計劃。

  10. Manulife is a leading financial services group. We provide financial advice, insurance, as well as wealth and asset management solutions for individuals, groups and institutions.

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