雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 馬拉松訓練中心 Marathon Training Center. 週六 (03.08.2024) 26-32公里長途練習,下午四點五十分在香港仔運動場內集合,講解訓練內容,五點正開跑,敬請準時出席。 訓練在香港仔運動場,深水灣,淺水灣,南灣來回進行。 參加一定要在下列連線登記,方便分組。 ***凡參加必需於星期四晚午夜前報名,星期五中午會收到訓練內容: 報名參加. 香港田徑隊教練 (馬拉松) (2006年香港田徑隊成立至2014年) 猛龍 (盲聾)長跑隊教練 (2011年成立至2012年) 香港交易所長跑隊教練 (2006年成立至2012年) 正生書院長跑隊教練 (2009至2012年) 澳門特區田徑總會馬拉松教練 (2007至2013,每年9-12月)

    • 馬拉松訓練中心

      馬拉松訓練中心成立於2012年 我們的宗旨是推廣長跑運動,協 ...

  2. Marathon Clinic includes theory classes, pre-training fitness assessment and practical classes. An injury prevention workshop has specially included to better equip the runners for the races. Water station will set up to allow participants to trial out the fluid replenishment during long running session.

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  4. Marathon Registration and Runners’ Communication Office (852) 2577 0800 (Monday to Friday - 9:30am to 8pm; Saturday - 9:30am to 1pm)

  5. Marathon Registration and Runners’ Communication Office (852) 2577 0800 (Monday to Friday - 9:30am to 8pm; Saturday - 9:30am to 1pm)

  6. 2021年9月30日 · Speed and resistance training together with the primary focus on long slow distance training or tempo running could be a very effective strategy in enhancing short term gains. Our Marathon Preparation Clinic will discuss these concepts with possible ways to improve running efficiency through different drills that can used in daily training.

  7. 2025 Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon: Training plans, distance, date, location, and more. Find out all you need to know about the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon – including how to choose the best training plan to get race-ready and set a new personal best.

  8. Dotted all over Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, these delightful routes are easy to squeeze into your day, whether you’re training for a marathon or looking to stay fit.

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