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  1. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › MeteoraMeteora - Wikipedia

    Meteora by night The Meteora (/ ˌ m ɛ t i ˈ ɔːr ə /; Greek: Μετέωρα, pronounced) is a rock formation in the regional unit of Trikala, in Thessaly, in northwestern Greece, hosting one of the largest and most precipitously built complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries, second in importance only to Mount Athos. ...

  2. 迈泰奥拉(希臘語: Μετέωρα,转写为 Metéora,意为“悬浮的石头”、“悬浮在空中”或“在天空之上”)位于希腊中部,是东正教修道院中最大、最陡峭的建築群之一,其重要性只僅次於阿索斯山 [1]。它位於希腊中部色萨利平原的西北边缘,靠近皮尼奧斯河(Pineios)和品都斯山脉,最近的城镇为 ...

  3. Today, 6 Meteora monasteries remain open for visitors. Get inspired, learn about their rich history, or find more information. Around the 12th century, a monk named Nilos decides to gather the scattered hermit monks of Meteora into a more organized monastic ...

  4. 2023年4月1日 · 希臘的「梅特歐拉 Meteora」被稱為天空之城,11世紀起拜占庭的僧人隱士至此修行,修道院坐落高聳巨岩,獨特風光讓人驚嘆,梅特歐拉更是少數的世界自然和文化雙遺產,相當值得一遊!本文分享 梅特歐拉修道院 參觀心得、開放時間及行程資訊,在規劃梅特歐拉一日遊或二日遊時不妨參考。

  5. 邁泰奧拉(希臘語: Μετέωρα,轉寫為 Metéora,意為「懸浮的石頭」、「懸浮在空中」或「在天空之上」)位於希臘中部,是東正教修道院中最大、最陡峭的建築群之一,其重要性只僅次於阿索斯山 [1]。它位於希臘中部色薩利平原的西北邊緣,靠近皮尼奧斯河(Pineios)和品都斯山脈,最近的城鎮為 ...

  6. Meteora In a region of almost inaccessible sandstone peaks, monks settled on these 'columns of the sky' from the 11th century onwards. Twenty-four of these monasteries were built, despite incredible difficulties, at the time of the great revival of the eremetic ideal in ...

  7. A view The history of building monasteries on top of perilous cliffs near Meteora occurred between the 14th and 15th centuries. Even prior to this, in the 11th century, religious communities had established hermitages at the foot of these cliffs. In the 14th century, the titular emperor of Serbs and Greeks, John Uroš, became a monk and moved to Meteora; he endowed, rebuilt and established ...

  8. One of the greatest monuments of the world, protected by UNESCO and characterized by it as “A Preserved and Protected Monument of Humanity”, Meteora is the most important (after Aghios Oros) monastic center in Greece.

  9. On the tops of the steep rocky masses, which were the result of a unique geological phenomenon millions of years ago, monks established sketes and “floating” monasteries as early as the 11th century, living in harmony with the imposing natural environment and under extremely difficult conditions. Nevertheless, the monastic community of Meteora is the largest […]

  10. 2020年2月4日 · Here’s how to get to the sacred site of Meteora, Greece—and what to do once you’re there. Explore nearby Around Roussanou are 16 ancient hermetic caves (pack your climbing boots) and five ...

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