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  1. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › MethyldopaMethyldopa - Wikipedia

    Methyldopa is in the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist family of medication. It works by stimulating the brain to decrease the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Methyldopa was discovered in 1960. It is on the World Health Organization's List of.

  2. α2-腎上腺受體致效劑,可降低週邊血管阻力,降低血壓。. 本藥具有降低週邊血管阻力、促使血管擴張等作用,故可降低血壓。. 用法與用量. 通常成人每日500~1000mg,分2~3次於飯前或與食物併服。. 每日最高劑量1500mg。. 警語. 1.有肝臟疾患病史或肝臟機能障礙之 ...

  3. 甲基多巴(英語: Methyldopa ),也作α-甲基多巴,商品名亦稱愛道美等,是一種治療高血壓的藥物。[1] 多用於 妊娠高血壓病 ( 英語 : high blood pressure in pregnancy )、[1] 高血壓急症 ( 英語 : Hypertensive emergency ) 等高血壓相關疾病的治療中。

  4. 甲基多巴(英語: Methyldopa ),也作α-甲基多巴,商品名亦稱愛道美等,是一種治療高血壓的藥物。 [1] 多用於 妊娠高血压病 ( 英语 : high blood pressure in pregnancy ) 、 [1] 高血壓急症 ( 英语 : Hypertensive emergency ) 等高血壓相關疾病的治療中。

  5. Methyldopa works by binding to alpha(α)-2 adrenergic receptors as an agonist, leading to the inhibition of adrenergic neuronal outflow and reduction of vasoconstrictor adrenergic signals. 1 Methyldopa exists in two isomers D-α-methyldopa and L-α-methyldopa 7

  6. Active Ingredient. methyldopa. Date of Registration#. : 10 Dec, 2005. Notes: There is news related to local recall of this product within six months. For more details, please click the red flag of the product. (此產品在過去六個月內有本地回收相關的消息。.

  7. Methyldopa works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. HOW TO USE: Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually 2 to 4 times daily....

  8. Methyldopa從1960年代起便被使用 在懷孕婦女的高血壓治療。經過這麼多年 的使用經驗,methyldopa的安全性是目前 被研究最透徹的。在一個追蹤7.5年的研 究,收集了1 9 5 位曾在懷孕中使用 m ethyldopa的婦女,他們的子女並沒有發 現副作用造成的後遺症

  9. Administer new dosage increases in the evening to minimise sedation. Elderly: Initially, 125 mg bid. Gradually increase according to response. Max: 2,000 mg daily. Child: Initially, 10 mg/kg daily in 2-4 divided doses. May increase or decrease according to response. Max: 65 mg/kg or 3,000 mg daily, whichever is less.

  10. 詳細資訊. 成份及含量: 每錠含有250毫克 Methyldopa 。. 適應症: 高血壓。. 使用說明: 用法用量請遵照使用;由於此藥較不受食物影響吸收,除特別指示外,空腹或飯後、隨餐均可服用。. 懷孕分級: B. 易致跌藥品: 可能會影響體力、警覺性或判斷力,行走或工作時 ...

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