雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. EXPED=有效期限(Expiration Date) BBD=最佳賞味期限(Best Before Date) 有時也會寫為Exp. Date,或直接以中文標示「有效期限」、「保存日期」、「保存期限」,是指食品在「未開封」且保存條件良好的情況下的最後期限。

  2. 2016年3月11日 · 「有效日期」官方定義是:「在特定儲存條件下,市售包裝食品可保持產品價值的最終期限,應為時間點,例如『有效日期:Ο年Ο月Ο日』。 」而有效期限的訂定是要確保食品食用時的有效性及安全性,在有效日期內,一定是安全可食用的,同時食品的外觀、味道、質地和風味,以及符合其營養標示。 「賞味期限」是指在此日期之前,食品可保持最佳品質,但並不表示在此日期之後,食品就不安全或變質了。 各國法規對於包裝食品日期標示的要求不同,用語也些差異,像是「use by」和「expiry date」比較接近有效日期,而「best before」則接近賞味期限的定義。 Photo Credit: 食力提供.

  3. 2018年11月27日 · 避免概念混淆 德國超過最低保質期MHD的商品可繼續使用. 新手海淘族在收到漂洋過海來的商品後,經常遇到看不懂保質期的問題,研究半天后,居然找不到生產日期和保質期,往往驚呼:難道我買到假貨啦?. 鎮靜下來會想,通過德國正規電商渠道下單 ...

  4. 2023年1月27日 · 食品上的「此日期或之前食用」日期關乎食物安全。. 食品在到期日當天仍可供食用,但過期後便不能吃了。. 「此日期或之前食用」日期常見於很快變壞的食品,例如肉類製品或即食沙律。.

  5. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates the bottled water industry, does not require a shelf life for bottled water. Bottled water can be used indefinitely if stored properly, but we recommend no more than two years for non-carbonated water, and one year for sparkling water.

  6. The best-before date (“Mindesthaltbarkeit / MHD” in German) is a date that comes with a recommended storage temperature. It can usually be found on processed food, such as cookies and yogurt. The producer guarantees that the product’s quality and microbiological state will be maintained until at least the date mentioned if the indicated ...

  7. What does the best before date (MHD) mean? The best-before date (MHD) indicates the minimum shelf life of a food product when stored correctly. Not to be confused with the expiration date - because foods are organic products and can often be consumed longer than indicated on the best before date.

  8. The best-before date (BBD) is a specified labeling element that must be indicated on pre-packaged products. It indicates the date up to which a food can be consumed without any loss of taste or health risk if stored correctly. With the best before date, the product can usually still be consumed after the specified date.

  9. 2017年5月26日 · Chinese regulation applicable to labeling of pre-packaged food products (GB 7718) requires as mandatory item to be labeled the date of minimum durability/best before (in Chinese: )), which is...

  10. According to EU Regulation 1169/2001 LMIV, food and beverages must be labeled. The markings inform end consumers about the minimum shelf life, nutritional values, ingredients and origin of foodstuffs and, with batch labeling, ensure complete traceability.