巧克力和脆皮爽脆可口!. 冰淇淋中夾著巧克力塊的森永Choco Monaka Jumbo雪派。. 香氣十足的日式脆皮、柔滑的冰淇淋再加上脆口巧克力的絕佳平衡,一次品嘗3種美味的長年熱銷冰淇淋。. 脆口巧克力的美味秘密. 1. 夾在中間的香脆巧克力. 咬下第一口,口中便充滿 ...
We offer a full lineup of delicious ice cream products loved by customers of all ages, including our long-selling ‘Pino,’ our chocolate-coated ice cream bar ‘PARM,’ and our ice cream cup ‘MOW.’
Morinaga’s longtime big seller Choco Monaka Jumbo has a thin sheet of chocolate sandwiched by ice cream, creating an exquisite balanced blend of flavors—monaka wafers, smooth ice cream, and crispy chocolate.
電話:65062123. 時間:每天11-8PM(週五、六至8:30PM). 地址:荔枝角深盛路9號宇晴匯2樓37B. (荔枝角D3出口入商場上電梯後轉左見東海堂轉右直行50米). 小城日和 City Food Mart. 聽講好假嘅蜜瓜雪糕會好似有陣乳膠漆味,唔好味嘅嘢梗係無謂嘥口水介紹啦,點知試完 ...
ソーシャルメディア公式アカウント. 森永乳業のアイス商品を紹介するページです。. かがやく"笑顔"のために【森永乳業株式会社】.
What is Morinaga ice cream?
What is Morinaga Milk?
What is Morinaga?
Morinaga Milk is a leading producer and seller of dairy products in Japan, including milk and ice cream, as well as other beverages and foods.
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