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  1. 2024年7月15日 · 摩寧頓半島(Mornington Peninsula)是維多利亞州海岸的瑰寶,它把海濱魅力和濃厚馥郁的葡萄產區美麗地結合為一體。 摩寧頓半島擁有金黃色的海灘、佈滿葡萄園的山區和壯觀的荒野,必遊必玩的體驗多不勝數。

  2. The Mornington Peninsula has long been a favourite destination for coastal holidays and cosy winter escapes. In the warmer months, swimming and surf beaches await whilst seaside restaurants and local markets provide an array of places to eat and drink.

  3. 摩寧頓半島是位於澳洲墨爾本以南僅一小時車程的巴斯海峽 Bass Strait 半島。 它長約70公里,寬約40公里,擁有超過300公里的海岸線,並且擁有多樣的地形,包括起伏的丘陵、肥沃的農田、海岸懸崖和沙灘,超適合喜歡大自然美景的遊客。 這片半島擁有超過200家葡萄酒莊,生產出一些澳洲最優質的葡萄酒。 對於美食愛好者來說,這裡也是不可錯過的地方,擁有眾多餐廳供應新鮮的當地產品。 而除了葡萄酒和美食,摩寧頓半島還以其令人驚嘆的自然美景而聞名。 遊客可以在半島的眾多海灘和海岸步道上享受游泳、衝浪、釣魚和遠足。 半島還擁有許多國家公園和野生動植物保護區,遊客可以在這裡看到無尾熊、袋鼠、企鵝和其他澳洲原生動物。 摩寧頓半島位置.

  4. The Mornington Peninsula is a peninsula located south of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It is surrounded by Port Phillip to the west, Western Port to the east and Bass Strait to the south, and is connected to the mainland in the north.

  5. 摩寧頓半島 (Mornington Peninsula) 擁有自然風光、葡萄酒莊和清澈的海灘。 這篇文章整理了12個必遊景點,讓你輕鬆安排一日遊行程。 從半島溫泉到薰衣草花園,每個景點都值得一去。

  6. A treasure of Victoria’s coastline, the Mornington Peninsula is a beautiful blend of seaside charm and rich wine country. With its golden beaches, vineyard-dotted hills and dramatic wilderness, there is so much to see and do in the Mornington Peninsula.

  7. Chill out in natural mineral springs or tee off on immaculate ocean-view golf courses. Travel around the peninsula, popping into coastal villages. Cruise from cellar door to cellar door, sampling world-class hinterland pinot noir.

  8. The Mornington Peninsula Shire, located south-east of Melbourne, Victoria is a premier holiday destination, attracting millions of visitors annually. Its 169,000 residents inhabit 40 towns and villages across the peninsula and are represented by 11 councillors.

  9. One of life's greatest pleasures is the Mornington Peninsula - a place where you can eat, drink, forage, shop, learn, and tour. Wine Food Farmgate reveals the Mornington Peninsula’s most delicious secrets. How do you get a sensational seasonal snapshot of

  10. See & do. Absorb some artistic flair amid the heritage ambience and creative dynamism that combine and thrive throughout the Mornington Peninsula. Explore beautiful coastlines, play a round of golf, and swim with dolphins, or relax and enjoy great local food and wine on the Mornington Peninsula.

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