雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Calculate property and car park mortgage repayment amount with changeable mortgage interest rates under monthly and fortnightly plan for comparison on the mortgage loan interest saved and shortened repayment period.

  2. 網上按揭體驗. 請填寫以下所有資料以繼續。. 以上利息採用日息計算並假設還款期由一月一日開始。. 最低每月入息要求是根據香港金融管理局指引所要求的壓力測試而釐訂。. 壓力測試以現行利率加 計算,而每月供款額必須低於其每月入息之 水平。. 上述計算 ...

  3. 負擔能力計算機. 我要放盤. 美聯物業為你提供最新按揭計算機,讓你自選樓價、按揭成數、按揭利率、佣金、裝修費等資料,即時計算全期置業總支出。.

  4. 網上遞交按揭轉介表送您高達$6,000超巿禮券及 免費獲贈‘最貼心’禮品一份. 使用撤辣後最新版本多功能按揭計算機,輸入樓價、按揭成數 (或直接輸入貸款額)、供款年期、利率等資料,即可計算出首期、每月供款、利息開支。. 計算按揭保險、一及二按分段年 ...

  5. Residential Non-residential. Starting from 28th, February, 2024, no SSD, BSD or NRSD needs to be paid for any residential property transactions. In accordance with the current HKMA requirements, mortgage applicants are required to pass the Debt-servicing Ratio (DSR) of the first mortgage applicant shall not exceed 50%.

  6. 按揭計算機. 立即使用按揭計算機,輸入樓價、供款年期及成數等簡單資料,快速計算每月按揭供款開支及利息金額! 不論上車或轉按,申請P按或H按劃,預算按揭更靈活! 想了解更多按揭資訊及MoneySmart? 立即按此. HK$ 樓價. HK$ 貸款額. %供款與入乘比率. 供款年期. 利率. 自選. 如要自行輸入按揭利率,請選擇「自選」 %利率. 更多資訊. 計算. 物業估值計算機. 查看任何的樓宇估價. 查看物業估值計算機. 看來你還未用過我們的按揭計算機,請填寫有關你和物業的資料。 計算結果只供參考。 本公司並不會為資料的準確性、完整性、或針對某特定用途的適用性作出任何保證或及陳述。 個別或特定情況下的實際按揭還款,請參閱相關之條款細則,並以有關金融機構的最終批核為準。

  7. 提示:. 由2024年2月28日起,所有住宅物業交易無須再繳付額外印花稅 (SSD)、買家印花稅 (BSD)和新住宅印花稅 (NRSD)。. 按照現行金管局規定,首套房按揭申請人之「供款佔入息比率」 (DSR)不可超過50% (根據市場按息及H按封頂息率,一般以不低於5.875%計算)。. 以上 ...

  8. The interest shall be calculated daily on the actual number of days elapsed and on the basis of 365-day year (for both ordinary and leap years) by a simple basis on the outstanding principal amount of the loan. The above calculation is for reference only.

  9. Calculate how much your mortgage will cost you to repay to understand your affordability and the impact it will have on your finances.

  10. Lower the risks of interest rate fluctuations in the short term. Use this online mortgage repayment calculators to assess your monthly interest and mortgage installement. For more information or a more accurate assessment, please call our hotline or use the online form below.

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