雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 為確保中介人符合持續訓練規定,積金局要求附屬中介人於限定時間內完成持續專業進修活動。 有關持續專業進修規定的詳情,請參閱「附屬中介人持續訓練指引」。 違規後果. 附屬中介人如未能滿足持續專業進修要求,其註冊可被暫時撤銷或撤銷。 該附屬中介人若因沒有遵從持續專業進修要求而被撤銷註冊,他/她須再報考並通過強積金中介人考試才能重新註冊。

  2. 持續訓練. 1. 強積金附屬中介人要符合哪些持續專業進修要求?. 2. 積金局會否認可附屬中介人在註冊前參加的持續專業進修活動?. 3. 如附屬中介人不再隸屬任何主事中介人,他/她在該期間是否需要遵從持續專業進修要求?. 需要,儘管附屬中介人不再隸屬任何 ...

  3. 2. 持續專業進修 (CPD) / 持續培訓 (CPT)時數. IA: 2 CPD hours. MPFA: 2 Core CPD hours. SFC: 2 CPT hours. HKMA ECF: 2 CPD hours. 課程班別.

  4. Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) CPD helps SIs maintain and enhance their expertise in the MPF System and related areas. For the calendar year of 2023 and before, all SIs are required to attend 10 hours of CPD activities in each calendar year of which two hours must be core CPD activities approved by MPFA.

  5. 滙萃培訓 (Agile Elite) 強積金 MPF Core CPD 課程為核准強積金持續專業進修核心活動,詳情請參閱: https://www.mpfa.org.hk/en/-/media/files/supervision/mpf-intermediaries/ongoing-requirements/recognized-core-cpd-courses.pdf. 報名表格. 請使用以下報名表格. (有關報名問題. 請Whatsapp 6198 6983 市場部鍾小姐查詢) MPF CPD,MPF Core CPD,強積金中介人 CPD.

  6. 強積金培訓單元三:強積金中介人操守及強積金20周年回顧. Introduction 課程簡介. The aim of this brand new MPF core training is to provide participants with the information about the latest development of the MPF system as well as to review the intermediary’s conduct issues so as to reinforce the importance of compliance.

  7. Programme Details. Retirement policy, MPF and other protection schemes. Enrolments of virtual CPD programmes can only be made online through VTC’s Continuing & Professional Education website (https://cpe.vtc.edu.hk/en). Applicants may pay the programme fee by Credit Card (Visa / Master) in the online enrolment system.

  8. Enrolments of virtual CPD programmes can only be made online through VTC’s Continuing & Professional Education website (https://cpe.vtc.edu.hk/en). Applicants may pay the programme fee by Credit Card (Visa / Master) in the online enrolment system.

  9. 強制性公積金計劃(英語:Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes;簡稱強積金或MPF),是香港的一項退休保障計劃,香港立法局於1995年7月27日通過《強制性公積金計劃條例》,並在2000年12月1日正式實行。

  10. Under the Guidelines on Continuing Training for Subsidiary Intermediaries (effective on 1 January 2024), an SI is required to attend 15 hours of CPD activities between 1 January and 31 December of each calendar year of which 4 hours must be core CPD activities approved by the MPFA. 2.

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