持續訓練. 1. 強積金附屬中介人要符合哪些持續專業進修要求?. 2. 積金局會否認可附屬中介人在註冊前參加的持續專業進修活動?. 3. 如附屬中介人不再隸屬任何主事中介人,他/她在該期間是否需要遵從持續專業進修要求?. 需要,儘管附屬中介人不再隸屬任何 ...
2024年9月27日 · Webinar on Conduct of MPF Intermediaries and Development of the MPF System (2024)
持續專業進修 (CPD) / 持續培訓 (CPT)時數. IA: 2 CPD hours. MPFA: 2 Core CPD hours. SFC: 2 CPT hours. HKMA ECF: 2 CPD hours. 課程班別.
Under the Guidelines on Continuing Training for Subsidiary Intermediaries (effective on 1 January 2024), an SI is required to attend 15 hours of CPD activities between 1 January and 31 December of each calendar year of which 4 hours must be core CPD activities approved by the MPFA. 2.
銀聯金融有限公司. Conduct of MPF Intermediaries and Development of the MPF System (2023) 強積金中介人操守及強積金制度發展 (2023) 2. 9/2024. OnePlatform Wealth Management Limited. 環一財富管理有限公司. Default Investment Strategy Training for MPF Intermediaries. 強積金中介人預設投資策略培訓. 2.
2 MPFA CPD Core Credits & 2 IA CPD Hours “Ethics or Regulations” Medium: Mainly in Cantonese with Chinese p resentation materials
2-hr MPFA Core CPD 滙萃培訓 (Agile Elite) 強積金 MPF Core CPD 課程為核准強積金持續專業進修核心活動,詳情請參閱: https://www.mpfa.org.hk/en/-/media/files/supervision/mpf-intermediaries/ongoing-requirements/recognized-core-cpd-courses.pdf