登記MTR Mobile,日常無論搭港鐵、於港鐵商場或車站商店消費,甚至經MTR Mobile購買車票及港鐵精品都可以賺MTR分, 輕鬆消費就可以換取免費車程及其他禮遇!
下載 MTR Mobile APK. MTR Mobile 除了提供個人化貼心乘車資訊、港鐵商場及車站商店優惠及資訊外,更加入生活、科技和美食等多元化生活情報,為你帶來全新體驗!. 此外,更有MTR分奬賞計劃,日常無論搭車、食、買、玩等樣樣都可賺分!. 點擊 此處 了解不同功能 ...
MTR Mobile gathers all the latest news you need on shopping and dining, promotions and parking services at MTR Malls. It also covers personalised promotions and updates based on your preferred settings. Download MTR Mobile and enjoy this feature!
MTR Mobile全新面貌矚目登場!. 功能全面升級,除提供個人化貼心搭車資訊,更加入港鐵商場及車站商店等資訊,為你帶來全新體驗!. 現更推出全新MTR分奬賞,日常無論搭車、食買玩樣樣賺分!. 立即了解不同功能:. MTR分. MTR Mobile推出全新MTR分,日常無論搭港鐵 ...
Introducing the brand new “MTR Points” on MTR Mobile, which allows you to easily earn points from daily travel, or while spending in MTR Malls and Station Shops, buying any MTR souvenirs or tickets via MTR Mobile.
The upgraded MTR Mobile not only offers you a more personalised and informative journey, it also provides information on MTR Malls and MTR Shops to suit your daily needs. What’s more, you...
在MTR Mobile上引入全新的“ MTR积分”,使您可以轻松地从日常旅行中赚取积分,或者在MTR商场和车站商店消费,通过MTR Mobile购买任何MTR纪念品或门票时获得积分。
MTR Mobile APP. MTR Mobile 打造綜合資訊平台,除提供個人化貼心搭車資訊,並加入生活、科技和美食等多元化生活情報、不同著數,讓你日常生活更精彩! 更有MTR分奬賞,日常無論搭車、食買玩樣樣賺分! 立即下載並了解更多.
Introducing the brand new “MTR Points” on MTR Mobile, which allows you to easily earn points from daily travel, or while spending in MTR Malls and Station Shops, buying any MTR souvenirs or tickets via MTR Mobile.
Introducing the brand new “MTR Points” on MTR Mobile, which allows you to easily earn points from daily travel, or while spending in MTR Malls and Station Shops, buying any MTR souvenirs or tickets via MTR Mobile.